Lets Talk About Transmog 🧠

I’m not going to be that cynical personally, but I do think they simply never gave consideration to mix and match.

Some limitation to base colours would be useful. There could still be say 50 base shades total, but we’d end up with more viable mixes.

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The biggest issue isn’t as much about the colors than it is about all the armors being designed as one piece then cut up into chest/pants. Which causes parts of the shirt to be stuck to the pants even if the correct top isn’t used.

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No one says they have to retroactively modify all the old gear. They could just make all further sets with the capability. It wouldn’t be impossible. But why, when they can be obstinate?

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Yeah, I kinda prefer my characters being characters and not winged yet walking monstrosities that belong in lab of current expac dr Frankenstein. “Old” sets could use some graphics update, they just seem… off in that whole 3d environment with flapping parts. Could be done at cost of that hand-drawn background, we don’t need it anyway when we focus on our toons’ awesomeness :smiley:

And herein lies the problem “How to make players keep jumping hoops for another 2 years if we make what they want available in less than 2 years” :smiley: Could be done in SW TOR, I’d say ActiBlizz could do it.

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Would be lovely to update the old classic sets/armors. Just to clean them up so they dont look so bad when mogged with more modern pieces.

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A reasonable suggestion.

Older sets from Vanilla, which look awesome like the PvP sets and Tier 2 sets, are unusable on the modern models. They were not designed for it.

We saw in Legion how they updated the Tier 6 sets from TBC, if would be nice if they could polish up the others.


God yes, p l e a s e. All those new costumization options are useless when old sets look straight from minecraft and new sets are just way too much in every way. Or at least let me hide my pants aswell so I can just use my underwear instead of some of these horrible sets.

“Please, Daddy Blizzard, take time out of developing real content and challenges, balancing the game and writing better stories so I can play dress up barbie and feel prettier”


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You have your character transmogged, so I assume you like to make your character look nice, no? People who don’t like vanity stuff, don’t care to transmog their gear. :roll_eyes: Just sayin’ :slight_smile:


Because they are but a mere small indie company :pensive: they could never handle working on several things at the same time! Having decent looking gear will turn this game into SIMS!! A horrible thought, truly.


No more foxnip for you. The very thought that Blizz spends time & money on these things… The nerve of some people! I’m shocked and outraged!
Btw, are you aware that between WoD and Legion our characters’ models ALL became HD, whether we wanted it or not? In late Legion there used to be an option for old/new character models. Then in one of latest updates it wasn’t any more, it was HD, end of story. If they could switch characters to HD, they can switch gear appearance to HD too.


Didnt know the art team wrote the stories?


I didn’t say I was against transmog, but good attempt at a strawman!
Given the state of; Cata, MoP, WoD and BFA I would much rather the resources and time of Blizzard staff was working on something much more meaningful to the game than dress up. Ok, transmog is in the game, that’s fine, we all do it from time to time just to mess about, but to make an entire patch focused around it? Something else will suffer as the attention is divided. They have limited staff, to ask them to focus on vanity projects like that is folly, because if/when they do, it won’t be long until you complain about the content or lack thereof.

Look at WoDs patches. One of them was literally just the selfie cam being added. They cut their losses with WoD to focus on legion, so sure, lovely sarcasm there mate, but I’ve got evidence of my point on my side using just WoD as an example, what do you have besides sarcasm?

Faulty thinking here lil’ buddy. The new chracter models took a lot of time to develop and then to patch in. It wasnt the flick of a switch to do so, this means to take all those old items with lower res would take work on each item to update it. It’s not like they were high def but they just lowered a pixel count to get them in.

You can have great looking zones, mounts, skyboxes, items, effects and animations, or you can sacrifice some of the work on these for updated textures on very old items, of which there are many. Would you really chose a worse looking expansion just to have updated vanilla / tbc items for transmog?
Also, Blizzard always work 1 or 2 expansions ahead, which requires much of the development teams time and effort.
I don’t wanna sacrifice the greater work of the art team for transmog items. Why would you?

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I’m just saying, the art team isn’t in charge of the story of an expansion, and the balancing team doesn’t make transmog sets.

So what you’re saying is pretty obsolete.

Blizzard have entirely different development teams for different parts of the game.

To be honest, they can make the patch on their own time though. Obviously it should’nt be their 1st priority, but it would be hella awesome if they would do it.

Edit: had a typo

It is well known that Blizzard are never working on just the next expansion. Asking the art team to take time away from actual work on the actual game so you can have updated textures on what, hundreds? Thousands? of items from vanilla / tbc?
And if history is anything to go by? Just wait, they’ll recycle the sets. They’ve done it multiple times already.

They should just do this? For free? Do you not read any news about Blizzard and how many fo their staff have a second or third job just to get by? Or how they all flatshare to try and make ends meet?

By own time i don’t mean the employees personal times.

Oh for sure! That’s why I support OP’s idea. It’s in hands reach. It’s something they could put on the back burner.

The reason they scrapped so much WoD content is that they really dropped the expansion to work on Legion, which was awesome in many more aspects than just story. Now that BfA was a flop, they put all their energy into Shadowlands, and we are just trying to push them to keep that same energy.