Lets talk Cursing!

Yes and i agree. Im not talking about blizzard right now but people that want more words banned because they dont like how others act. Words banned by blizzard are… You know banned, you can either choose to follow the rules or not and risk a ban or mute or smth and if someone report it well he has right to cause rules. But forcing more words to be banned is a thing that we can complain about.

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I do apologise if it came across like I implied this. It is not what I meant. The region from Sweden I live in have this kind of language/talk as well in every day language(Västergötland, close to norway and near Gothenburg).

What I more meant is people who pull the darkest jokes or insult they can think of in completly public places where that kind of talk isnt the norm, and then complain or whine when people react differently to it.

Shouldn’t you be getting you bottle soon?

Essentially the OP is about using better descriptors rather than using foul language and diseases to describe things, given that there are a plethora of words in many languages that can be used to achieve this it really isn’t a difficult thing to do.

This isn’t a bad message but the fact that it got flagged actually speaks volumes about the attitudes from some who play this game and the internet in general.

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If you ban one word, they’ll find several others.

I would rather use the phrase “fudge nugget” to express distaste in a fellow player than any of the ones mention in OP’s original comment.
There’s humour in the creative insults. :stuck_out_tongue:

For me, the first time I heard cancer used as an insult in this game was when playing with some Dutch guys many moons ago. Seems just to have grown in popularity since then.
I rarely see See You Next Tuesday, but I hear it a lot in discord. But those are my guildmates and I’ve learn to embrace their potty mouths. They’re just letting off steam.

If you find something really offensive, just report it and let Blizz be the judge.
We’re a healthy mix of boomers, edgelords and teeny boppers, everyone’s going to have a different opinion of what’s offensive and what isn’t.

Stop being special fragile snowflake. If you cant deal with how some1 talks just mute him. You cant control others, you wont force them to act like you want just cause you think its best way to act like. You tried to insult me by saying im not old enough and usualy people who try to insult some1 chose to punch things they are worried about by themselves, so I respond with the same to trigger you which I see I did. I dont know if you feel unsecure in your current age but if yes then I feel sorry for you. Grow up.

And btw attacking someones age only tells that you dont even have anything else smart to say or points to make.

kind of weird. you are complaining about people using a decease like that, yet you are named rabies. wich is a decease. You seem to have no issues using deceases creatively yourself

Its rabies a disease that you can get when wild crazy animal bite you? Hows that ofesive?

I still wonder why the poop-word is censored. It is a strong word, but not particularly offensive unless used as a slur.

the same way cancer is offensive? people die of both. If one is bad then why use the other. otherwise just use both

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Poop-word thats cute c:

I just fundamentally disagree with that.

No, you’re turning it around.

The problem with that statement is social media.
Even if you made the joke at an appropriate place and time, there WILL be people who share it on social media and get offended and start their personal crusades. That is why comedy IS in danger. Because ‘no one is safe’ from this horrible thing we call social media.

Fair enough. We both disagree and I’m okay to leave it at that for now.

Personally, I believe this is blown out of proportion than it is. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t happen, but I don’t think it happens to the extent that comedy as a whole is in this grave danger.

Sometimes it’s just crappy people who are upset that they get called out, and a few times it is an actual issue with someone just being dumb and complaining with no context or the wrong context. But I do believe the former outweighs the latter.

Dutch people use diseases as curse words a lot. But the ‘cancer’ one (kanker in dutch) is probably the most frowned upon. Basically it’s like this:

In the U.S.A. you can’t just say the F- word on tv (unless it’s late night, adult, rated stuff etc), but saying cancer is quite okay there (even using it to say stuff like ‘this thing is pure cancer’), because it’s not normally used as a slur.

In the Netherlands it’s the other way around. We can basically use the F- word on tv (and people do, in respected talk shows and such). It IS used as a slur, but it doesn’t really carry the weight that it does in places like the U.S.A. But saying cancer on dutch tv, in its slur meaning (using it in its original form, describing the disease if of course fine), is not-done and outrage will follow if it happens.

It’s a culture thing.

As with all words context plays a massive part. Everyone of us know’s withere we’ve been affected by it or not that cancer is absolutely terrible.

Some people will use this word to describe how bad X is. At the op try it yourself hit your thumb with a hammer then say nice and calmly ouch that was a bit sore. Youve just expressed your feeling yet inside there’s still a rage brewing. If you use swear words and rage then your expelling that rage as well as letting everyone know it really bloody hurt. Unfortunately its the same with the word cancer, if someone is experiencing something so bad they have no other word that describes their hatred for it then im sorry cancer is it.

Now if they are using it to insult people, talk trash about it, be flippant about it then in my opinion is when it becomes offensive but in that case again its not really the word its the person and how they choose to use it.

Hope you understand what Im trying to say.

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Sigh… /char

Its since forever, not ‘These days’. We have always had a sense of profanity in language, or we wouldn’t even -have- the word ‘Profane’

Uhhh…you know Demolition Man was an intentional satire on those who replace language with swearing all the time, right? Same as Starship Troopers was an intentional satire on Fascism? (and oh my Gods the book is so much more obvious about it! Still an awesome book though)

You want to get that checked, it can lead to horrible parasite infestations without you noticing, and the risk of unnoticed gangrenated tissue. Never grow a thicker skin. Your skin is that thickness for a reason…

Its like going "Develop Elephantiasis (Don’t, its horrific) That will help you withstand insults.

Just apply the common rule of thumb unless forums have rules (as this one does)
“Would I say this to a stranger in a bar and get away with it if I said so in a jovial way?” Yes? Then it is fine.
“Would I say this to a stranger in a bar and be picking my teeth up off the floor afterwards?” No? Then it is not fine.

Swearing is an integral part of language, and anyone who says it shows a sign of a limited vocabulary needs to give their heads a wobble, read some more works by the person who was the Tarantino of his day, and also expanded the Vocabulary of language the most of any singular person noted for it in history.

However usage is key. Would it get a laugh? or would it get my teeth smashed out?

Always apply that rule when using it.

You…(redacted) :smiley:

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How ironic that the player complaining about the word ‘Cancer’ should name a character after another awful disease that afflicts humanity.

“You find me offensive? I find you offensive for finding me offensive.” From a song by Eminem released back in 2004 and it perfectly describes what the world is like today.

I mean, if you think about it, OP is right.