Level 50 profession halt

I feel the profession system needs some serious rework to make it viable. It seems a lot of players are left at lvl 55/56 and that is where they’ll stay with no working option for progression passed this.

I’m blacksmithing for comparison.

The crafting orders system, while great in theory, just isn’t working. I’ve been checking all week and only seen 1 order and that was for something I couldn’t make.

Even if there were orders, at this level, the quality isn’t going to be good enough for what the “customer” will want as they’ll only want the highest quality. So you can’t skill up if you are not good enough, but you can’t get good enough because you can’t skill up… it’s a catch 22 scenario. That’s if anyone requests the 1 item you can make at this level, that’s going to skill you up anyway.

We need more patterns to learn, either from quests (not the crafting orders quest please!) or from faction rep that fill the void of 50-100.

The specialisation points need a reset option too. I’m guessing others have made the same mistake I have and overspent in one area only to find it adds little , to no value. Essentially bricking my capability to progress even harder!

Really wish I’d just grabbed 2 gathering professions now!

I actually levelled my alt paladin and crafted a couple of items I still hadn’t had first craft skill ups on… allied chest and something else. Still missing a craft on the 2h int axe, skinning knife and primal helm. I do wonder what they’ll do next season re catch-ups. Can you craft all the gear without sparks for skill ups? But at the material cost that could be mega gold!

There is definitely some attention required between the 75-100 range. And there should be more options for levelling through that range in all of the Specialisations trees.

My inscription got stuck for months because I put points where I wanted to put them, rather than in Staffs or Profession Tools. Eventually I had the KP to get over that hurdle, and then I needed to craft 25-30 Rolling pins to get to the maxed out.

Blacksmithing went a bit smoother for me. I simply talented into an Armour type, and then just mass crafted Master’s Hammer to max it out.

Didn’t they alter the requirement to unlock some trees? Like BS can go into a tree and unlock a hammer to craft, granted it’s only one point

Yeh, they lowered the Level requirement for some. I had forgotten about that.

That’s not to say it’s not annoying to level up. It’s been so long since I did BS but I either used a lot of mettle and/or gold for my last chunk

I think Professions have always been hard to level up.

the problem is that it is too easy to put all your points in the wrong Tree (like I did on my inscription), and then all of a sudden you have a tanked profession for 2 or 3 weeks whilst you earn more KP to correct it.

But sticking with it is the solution. At the moment Inscription is raking in more Gold for me than any other profession. Which is good considering it spent 2 months completely tanked and stuck at 75/100.

Of course my top grossing Profession this expansion has been Enchanting. I have made several gold caps from that one.

Poggers gold, I’m nowhere close to that but I do only play twice a week :face_holding_back_tears:

Yeh, I’m not going to lie. it was degenerate gameplay spamming the cancel/relisting on the AH between Boxing Day and New Years.

Certainly won’t be doing that again anytime soon.

But I still play a little more than a couple of times a week.

I do think that the current Prof System isn’t very friendly to more casual players.

I would be spamming if I were on more for sure lol. It’s not a causal friendly part of the game anymore though!

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My warlock is stuck at lvl 55 enchanting. The only things she can level on and I mean ONLY things are weapon enchants where 2x resonant crystals alone are 500 gold a piece on AH. So 1000gold + other minor materials per skill point now?

And here I am having dropped 4.8million gold on Resonant Crystals alone in the first week of the expansion to max out my Enchanting :smiley:

But I absolutely agree that they should give more options to get from 50-90 in all professions. 90-100 was historically the final struggle. But now we have 50-100 being the struggle, and then we have to do the weekly KP quests as well.

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no need, you can level to 75 without resonant crystals.

You make it sound like if you just follow the guide you linked you can level up your profession but those recipes are locked behind renown and as a new player (I started in DF 6-7 weeks ago) I don’t have the required renown level.

I also don’t think it should be necessary to grind for renown for more factions in order to be able to level up your profession past level 50-55 skillpoints. I could understand if it was the last skilllpoints around 90-100 but not from skill points 50/55.
It honestly just seems like an unnecessary nerf that arrived around 3 weeks ago…

The thing is that players who leveled up their professions right at the beginning did not encounter the difficulty in profession leveling because all professions obviously had a nerf only a few weeks back, hence the struggling for players who try to level them now.

To be fair. 8/9 renown isn’t that much of a grind. It just involves you playing the game. That’s what we are all here for after all, playing WoW.

But I agree 50-90 should be easier to reach.

I’m playing Wow - every day, but farming renown hasn’t been my focus.

It might not be. But it’s an option for levelling your profession. Not the only way though.

I get that alright, I still stick to that leveling from 50 skillpoints should be easier. I don’t get that artificial road block all of a sudden and especially not with 10.1 around the corner…

I do agree that it should be easier. It’s definitely an unnecessary roadblock at such a low level, especially considering the KP grind that you have to maintain anyway.

My Inscription got stuck for a long while. But as long as you keep up with the Weekly KP points, it’ll be worth it when you finally get there.

BTW, Resonant Crystals might be 500-600g now. before they announced the new Season they were 200g, but players have been buying them out to stock pile.

Once the new season drops and the Crystals are in demand I am expecting the price to sky rocket. And the Crystals will be in big demand next season. just bare that in mind if you’re looking to get maxed out before then.

It might be worth you focusing on unlocking the new 10.1 recipes in the off season week, to help you out a little.