Level squish survey

Looking at the wording of the question it looks like it will happen.

It does look like that, yeah. Although asking that question could’ve really benefited from a follow-up question for the sake of clarity.

First they ask 'How much would you like or dislike a reduction in total character levels’ but they should’ve asked ‘How much would you like or dislike a reduction in total character levels if the leveling time stays the same’ and ‘How much would you like or dislike a reduction in leveling time if the total character levels stay the same’, because right now those two answers could be easily conflated under this one question. That way we could find out whether people’s main issue lies with the number of levels or the length of the leveling process itself.

So the wording seems somewhat deceptive. When it says the squish would 'reduce the total number of levels required to access the most current game content’ it doesn’t ask anything about whether people would actualy be happier to play through 110 levels of non-current game content if they scaled more zones and if leveling was more engaging. Also when they state that the ‘new level cap will be dramatically lower than the current level cap of 120’ they do not mention anything about dramatically increasing our spells or talents, or dramatically changing classes so they don’t suck as much as they do at the end of that dramatically lower number.

So I think the level squish topic is a complete red herring and the question is useless without other questions and context. They should ask actually to-the-point questions about whether people are satisfied with the length of leveling, whether people like the talent system and the number of spells we have and how often we get them, if they like the zone scaling system or what they would change about it, whether they like the current level and power gaps we have or not, what they think about the Draenor perk system and the Artifact system and the Azerite system as separate class skill progression methods instead of fresh talents, etc… Right now all they get is ‘smaller number = good?’ and it doesn’t address most complaints about leveling at all.

Yes, that is why threads like this one exist to prevent that.
WoW has been gutted enough.

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I think there are players for and against and some that simply don’t care.

Is anyone else thinking that if they did not implement all those XP nerf’s and heirloom nerfs back in legion, getting from 1-100/110 wouldn’t be as big of an issue as it is now proving to be resulting in a level squish ?

Whats more is once they do 1 level squish it is almost guaranteed your going to keep getting them every 2 expac’s . Take stat squish for example

I am glad that Blizz is at least sending out surveys, since that’s probably the most objective way to look if players are interested in such potential changes. The problem with the WoW forums is that it usually attracts the people who are concerned with the state of the game since that’s the only group who feels a need to voice their opinion. With a survey, you get actual numbers from a far wider group of players.

I am certainly not against a level squish (leveling is currently one of the things that really needs attention) but I do think it should be accompanied with other changes as well. It’d be undersirable if they just cut the levels in half but increase the XP you need per level by 100% (i.e. reducing the number, not reducing the time needed to level) since that’d be no change at all. The amount of XP should be reduced as well overall, and I think it’s important to have the option to skip TBC/WotLK content since that’s highly outdated.

So, not just a level squish but other (very feasible) changes as well.

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I would completely agree, if it were not for the fact the survey seems to be more rare than alpha testing invites.
The only real way is to mass mail everyone. If people don’t complete it, that is then their lookout. And as for compiling the data, by the looks of the question simple queries could easily generate graphs to show opinions.

But yeah so far it seems only very select few were asked to take part.

How do you know how many people were sent the survey?

Same here :slight_smile:

I think everyone who has an active sub should have been sent the survey.


I don’t, but I know I haven’t and others in here are asking if there is one and commenting in a way that suggests they have not had one. So although assumptions is the mother of all f up’s it is more of a logical conclusion.

I was just curious if you’d seen some source :slight_smile:

Whilst I have not been able to get into beta I did get to see the survey. There is a huge playerbase so I would imagine a lot of surveys went out.

I guess we just don’t know.

If you take a couple of thousand people, which is only a small part of the playerbase, you won’t hear about a lot of people who got the survey but it’d still be enough people to give accurate results.

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The number of players taking part on the forums is very small as well. I’d say that’s quite a hard way to gauge it.

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I get your point, and even if i agree with you, i think that in some cases is better to discuss what a change could affect instead of discussing the only change itself.

There are alot of things that are improved (or made worse) because of things that are not completely tied to them.

Lets do an example: the professions: do i think that the profession system now is worse compared to the past? Yes, i think so, but when you ask me why i think they are worse, i have to go, inevitably, through different features that are not always tied to the professions themselves.

In some cases, before judging a feature, imho we should consider what other things could be involved (willingly or not), to be better clear about that, i’ll do another example:

  • would you like if professions would allow you to craft an entire gearset with the same powerlevel of a full mythic set?

Now, some would say Yes, some would say No; but to be realistic you have to consider the conseguences on other features, in that specific case, it would completely invalidate the raids, wich are something that are not tied to the professions.

That’s why in that argument always add an if , because it could be a nice change in some case, but could be really bad in others, i always tend to consider wich results could have on other features wich are not strictly linked to it but that could suffer from :slight_smile:

I think placing the survey on their website and having an in game pop up (like the ones they give you to complete a survey about the ticket) would have reached everyone and given everyone a say.

Not really, I mean Oil of Olay makes you look 50 years younger and 98% of users agree (statistic based on a survey done on 42 women).

It could be pure luck they end up choosing a couple of thousand players that all have the same mindset compared tot he other 3 million could it not?

No, because you’d get biased results (since only the people concerned with the matters raised during the survey would respond).

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That would be open to abuse in my view. The surveys are sent out specifically to the selected and can only be completed once. A cross section of players should be adequate if the sample of people surveyed is large enough.

Other than telling people what to answer, im not sure how ? It could still be IP locked to 1 per IP so you cannot do it multiple times.

You will have to explain that one to me sorry, because I thought the survey with pre set questions was only looking for answers regarding to what it was asking ?
Or do you think people who dont level, and have no interest in levelling ever are perfectly placed to give sound thoughts on level squish ?

If it a link to a survey that anyone can fill in. Then people could tip the scales to suit their bias by entering it many times.

The link to the survey I received could only be completed once. And even if I change my IP I can not complete it again.

That is what I meant with abuse.

Yeah so allowing a survey a single time use per ip&account would achieve the exact same thing (prevents someone VPN hopping to abuse it).