Level squish survey

I understand it’s frustrating not to be included. I feel that every time I don’t get one.

I dont care if it happens as i will be able to roflstomp legacy content for mogs/mounts.

But what i think it will happen is: A new funny clumsy and weird to play timewalking since we miss stats previous expcs had like multistrike+ spirit etc and ofc the scaling of stats to level and gear plus the damage mitigation from armor dodge/pary/block chances that are calculated with each level ETC.

Generally it seems a HUGE concept and not sure if bliz will do it actually RIGHT at this point.


Oh blizz is capable of doing it right. I mean to create half of what we have today they certainly have the talent and know how that much is certain.
But given how the game has over what, 5/10 million lines of code, and as a playerbase we are always screaming from the rooftops “WHAAAAAAAA WE ARE BORED, WTF BLIZZ” because we cannot help but have to zerg rush everything to death the window of opportunity in which to complete such a task is beyond tight.
And this is where and why these cok ups happens.

I’ll explain it with an example. At my local university, the Faculty of Law has been sending out course evaluations over email to all students who participated in one. Most departments at the Faculty of Humanities, however, let students fill out survey forms on paper after the last meeting date of a course. As a result, the Faculty of Law course evaluations have a lower response rate, and are usually overly negative and overly positive. The Faculty of Humanities has evaluation results that are far more nuanced, because people didn’t have to open their mailbox, choose to fill out a form but got the forms handed out at the end of the last class. Not only people who were concerned or really happy about the course would fill it out, but almost everyone.

The same goes for the level squish survey. Send it out to everyone and you’ll get overly negative and positive feedback. Send it out to a small group, make them feel special and priviliged (which convinces them to participate, regardless of how much they care about leveling) and you’ll get far more accurate results because everyone has an incentive to fill it out.

Your considerations about people who don’t level, they can still give a sound opinion on leveling since virtually everyone has ever leveled a character, and I’m going to make a guess and say that Blizz has been sending out this survey to specific target groups to cover a wide range of players.


Haha, that reminds me. You remember when the pre-patch hit and leveling was horrible because the mobs hit like a truck and Dungeons were undoable (and some quests)? I do, and I remember that Watcher said during an interview that these were “core issues” that Blizz was looking into and actively analysing/researching because of how weird it was. And they said they were going to implement a hotfix just to cover the problems as a “band-aid fix”.

It’s been 11 months, still waiting for the actual fix. I really don’t trust Blizzard with anything that has to do with leveling.

To be fair the survey was about more than just the squish.

It covered streaming, the state of the current game and various aspects within it, other games genres and some named games, the level squish, cost of a boost etc.

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While I understand what you mean regarding the level of responses if forced into peoples faces, I am inclined to disagree that a smaller sample group gives better and more accurate thoughts.
Especially in this case the “feeling special” bit is nothing more than ‘here fill this out’.
But perhaps doing it this way it would be easier for them to lay the blame with the individuals filling out the survey and brush off the “Blizz dont listen” accusations.

Alright, fair enough.

These are fair points, but I’ll remain with mine: a small response group is better as long as enough people are involved. It reduces risks of the results being biased, and when you have enough people you don’t need to include anymore.

I mean, it would’ve been cool to participate in but it’s not disappointing that I haven’t been ‘chosen’.

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I think there’s a good amount of statistical science behind the way you make accurate surveys that produce informed data. Like, there are professionals who do this stuff, it’s not Joe the intern who’s charged with this in-between licking stamps all day.
I don’t think Blizzard have any kind of concern about the data they get from their surveys. They’re probably quite well aware of what that data says and what it doesn’t say.

It seems more as if it’s a concern from the community, that individuals feel that their voice isn’t being heard, that they don’t get a say on this, because they haven’t received the survey.
Some players, despite being only that, feel very strongly that they ought to have a say in the development of Blizzard’s game. :yum:

Yeah it is a bit, I can’t say I have ever been in a survey and I have 3 accounts. Main, secondary that I sub to twice a year for a month. And another one that got abandoned.

That being said I can’t complain been in Vanilla/Cata/BFA/classic beta. Just a bit strange I haven’t seen a survey yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nice, I’ve only ever been invited to BfA beta :cry:

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I didn’t even know Blizz sent out surveys. I thought they were super rare.


I have a wowhead webhook on my discord so I rarely miss any news. They mentioned the surveys had gone out so I checked my email.

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Not very strange at all actually.
For a Beta test Blizzard will invite tens of thousands of players to stress test their servers and scour a game for bugs.
To have statistical accuracy for a survey you need only a sample size of a thousand people.
So it’s far easier to get selected for a Beta than for a survey. And that’s probably a good thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Might also explain so many pea poor design decisions :stuck_out_tongue:

But im sure that yes a scientific statistical profession bit of research can be applied to almost everything in life, it does not necessarily mean it is always the best or correct way.

I should have specified more clearly that I meant BfA. You can’t deny quests are very linear there. Sure you can choose which zone you want to start in, but from then on you cannot go around and pick and choose what quests you want to do like in old expacs/classic. Every group of quests in BfA opens up the next hub, instead of it already being available. No skipping quests you don’t enjoy to go to the place you want. Only non-story quests will be available, and are scattered among the zones.

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For sure.

I used to work for a toy company. You know, the one with the bricks you put together.
It did an insane amount of surveys, interviews, observation sessions, and what not. Far more than the rest of the industry.
But it also had a far bigger and far more empowered design team than anyone else in the industry.

So it’s not the case that the surveys dictate the design decisions. Rather, the surveys inform the designers when they have to make design decisions. They’re a helpful and insightful tool. And I think Blizzard uses them in a similar way, given that they also seem to empower their designers a lot. Case in point: Ion floated the idea of the level squish in a Q&A some months ago, asking for feedback on the topic, because they didn’t actually know how the playerbase felt about the idea. The survey is a way of collecting that feedback (on top of what they read on the forums and reddit and twitter and so on).

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Oh dude, I feel for you. Things could have been worse you could have worked for Lego instead of Megablocks. :speak_no_evil:

I would not want that fate for my worst enemies, let alone myself. :nauseated_face:

but they are NOT. if that would be the case they send an email to every active subscribed wow player instead of some random streamers…

by the numbers of people reporting about in on the wow reddit
you can make an educated guess…

Then people have magically been getting surveys that Blizzard didn’t send out? What is the point you’re trying to make?