Level squish survey

Yeah but that is kinda different. M+ is still a group content, you can’t do it alone. Having a full gearset with the same powerlevel of a mythic raid just by doing professions (aka solo-content) maybe it wouldn’t completely invalidate mythic raiding, but it would devaluate it for sure in some parts.

I don’t think it would be wise to be able to kit out completely in raid competitive gear via professions. They are usually limited to a few slots or limit how many you can equip.

Yep, that was exactly what i ment. I think professions actually are kinda meh, but that doesn’t mean that the only way to make them interesting again would be a full raid competitive gearset, atleast not for all the pieces

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its more likly each lvl would take longer then would to do 2lvls now if squishes in half.

Personally I think it’s not a good idea because then they’d screw things up what happens to say a level 90 character if the level is squished down to 80 for example does that make that character lower than 80 because it wasn’t already at max level? Plus if people moan about how high the level cap is and how long it takes to do 120 levels, honestly like apart from the free level boost you get with every new expansion it doesn’t take long to level up to max level. It’s like with wow classic once all the content has been done by alot of people and most have the best gear you can get what are they gunna do when that happens?

and a lvl squish would just reduce dmg/hp and lvl numbers.time would be same (if not longer knowing them) after a squish

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level squish and damage squish again.

Numbers above 100K is just plain stupid. You dont need to see that many digits. It’s like using 100 decimal places to measure how much flower you need for your bread. Nobody gives a ^^^^ after the second digit anyway, so why not keep it simple and neat?

I agree with this.
“Did I just crit for 13.533.788 or was it 13.633.788?”

I remember getting critically hitting a mob for 837 as a fresh warrior when I got my Whirlwind Axe. It was easy to tell that was a significant improvement. As evidence; I still remember it today - 13 years later.

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