Level squish survey

Lets all start over again by level 1 at a NEW World. like azeroth.

So you want to PUNISH the playerbase for being playing since 15 years???

thats a way to kill wow quick…

1-10 Classic
10-20 TBC
20-30 Wrath
30-40 Mop
40-50 Wod
50-55 Legion
55-60 BFA

something like this?

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Yeah, ppl resubing so they have a chance to get into the classic beta, lmao

You are right on that IF the leveling squish will come as a stand-alone feature, in that case it would not make sense if you ask me, but if they will do it, i’m pretty sure that will come alongside some other changes to support the squish, maybe talent changes, i don’t know, but i’m pretty sure it will not be a stand-alone feature, because it would be pretty much pointless.

I was thinking about level squish, I think it can be good. I think they want wow will feel new fresh game, rewards, items, bring back tiers and more things.

I dont think 60 is great idea so 80 would be fine. Else I dont know more than this. :wink:

@Nesciente: I told Gráinne those thoughts were speculations. However, the fact that activity IS going up, slowly, remains.

It now the 14th, for US players still morning… On WCR monthly stats six people have already passed the number 10 spot from May… and at current speed… the number at the end of month will be higher than 10… and at the top… In May Padanfain scored 158 295 updates… Today he has already been credited with 80 057… which leads to a projection of 184 747 at the end of the month (with assumed daily average increase of zero). I have spent several days partially or even completely away from my computer this month… Last month, I was second with 143 513 updates… As of right now, I am at 50 918 with more unprocessed data already uploaded… and a current projection of 132 387 despite the fact that I have already lost significant amount of game time and will be losing more next week.

Many other leading CP users are showing similar signs. :slight_smile:

The first question sounds really fake or dumb to me. Did they announce anything like this through any official channels? how can anyone possibly aware of this?

Anyway there were some threads talking about this for a while, either just level squish or fresh start. As i see it the level squish should have no impact on characters that are already at max level.
I don’t think any idea is inherently bad, even the fresh start option could work if done properly.

It has been talked about at a Q&A or might have been Blizzcon, in interviews with Ion and it’s now in an official Blizzard survey.


Same! Definitely.

There are a lot of different ways to do this, and some of them come with no advantages and just piss people off by lowering their level number, while others come with a huge set of advantages that can be exploited in a number of ways to revitalise levelling.

It’s quite exciting really, and also a little bit terrifying. I can definitely see why people are scared of it, but I would also posit that just leaving things as they are is no longer an option.


My knee-jerk reaction is to say ‘no level squish’ - but I also think that is my initial response because, y’know, I’ve grinded so many characters into the 100-120 region that I’m mentally sorta going “I had to do it, why doesn’t anyone else?! It’s robbing the effort! Ra ra ra!”

And to that end, I suppose a level squish might not be the worst thing. I’d need details before coming down firmly on one side of the argument or the other. Could be really healthy for the game - could also lead to just reducing content until the End Game is reached. An End Game that often, naturally, hits some content droughts due to development cycles.

It was mentioned as an idea, a throw away line in a Q&A that had nothing to do with level squish. There was no official announcement.

there IS an official Blizzard survey about it.

I have mentioned all the sources we have about the subject. If Ion H is not official enough for you nor an official Blizzard survey then I’m not sure what you require?

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Cataclysm the world, squish our level down to 120 (heroic level 1) Start a fresh and place a timewalking NPC to playthrough TBC - BFA.

Couldn’t Blizzard just give the players a choice faster experience based on already having a character at max level? This would mean that those who want to take their time can view the content from the older expansions while they level their characters and those who want to level their next character to max level can make the leveling process more trivial and can level up quicker. With things like heirlooms already in the game it makes gear swapping a rarer thing anyway until you hit the current expansion.

For example I have a 120 character, due to already having completed the leveling process I want to level a second character to max level quicker. Normally the route for this is just heirlooms and smart leveling routes but maybe I can select an option at the character creation screen due to already having a max level character to give me twice (or more) the amount of leveling experience up to max level and this will then deactivate once I hit max level on the character in question. Throw in heirlooms on top of this and the experience gain would be higher.

This would negate the need for a level squish to enable new characters to get to max level quickly.

He did NOT say there will be a level squish.

The Q&A happened a while ago, where he used words like “possibly” and it’s something the dev team discussed and considered.
After that Q&A there was no hysteria on the forums regarding level squish, nobody interpreted that as news, yet months after, this interview is used as ultimate proof that blizzard is planning a level squish.

Yes they discussed that it’s something they are considering.

The survey they recently sent out talks about it in terms of it definitely happening. Either way people are giving feedback on the forum. At present we have no details on how they would proceed, if they are to proceed.

However you can choose to ignore all these sources until it happens, if it happens.

Wouldn’t it be easier to remove levling from expacs? How is this even an rpg when the game is linear the way it is now? We follow the path laid out, do quests to unlcok more quests to unlock dungeons to unlock more quests to unlock some new flight paths unlocking some new quests to unlock next raid to unlock more quests and eventually unlcok flying.
Level has become meaningless. It’s all about the reps and achievements now.

When you are leveling game is not linear.