Level10 Dodge Twink Untouchable in WSG

Very very slowly. That’s like being afk and dying to a quest mob.

People can fight back, he can’t dodge from behind. It isn’t his fault if people don’t know what they’re fighting against.

Quest mobs also kill people. Very slowly. His damage is likely less than the average player in a battleground. Infact, a hell of a lot less because most people in lvl10-19 BGs are lvl19 rogue/hunter twinks.

It’s a metaphor.

No, the video LITERALLY shows him fighting against people that don’t know how to fight back, people that think you can win by going ham and hitting face.

Read what I said. I’m here to say that the fun police are responsible for a lot that I dislike in both Retail and Classic.

It’s nothing like that at all.

That’s cute.

Just take your forum suspension and sit in the naughty corner while you think about what you’ve said.

And while youre at it:

Lmao, what suspension? Is your ego really so massive you think you insult people on the forum and then they get banned? You’re so stupid it’s funny.

Reported for hacking

You don’t get suspensions just for insulting people, you get suspensions for insulting people whilst using words like “retarded”.

I like that lvl 19 rogue with googles,maybe a “normal” twink with engineering. So he was thinking he would get a easy lvl 10 kill. I could actually see how he get more and more stressed durng the fight. This video was hillarious, i love it! :smiley:

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Do you really have more than 100% dodge against players 9 levels higher?

Ha! Love it. Using not-so-well known buffs, items and game mechanics to one’s advantage and to surprise one’s enemies is one of my favourite things to do in WoW, and this is a perfect example of that.

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Says Mr. Zug-Zug-I-Chose-The-EZ-Mode-Faction

LOL, so it’s ok for you to do it for not someone else because you don’t like the word they use? You obviously reported me and tried to get me banned, they must have looked at the evidence and decided it was fact and not insult.

When I was pvp I played alliance, now I’m on PvE as horde, I get no advantage over anyone. Nice try though.

There’s a difference between indirect jabs and directly abusing someone.

Or they simply haven’t looked at the flag yet. They will.

Yes exactly. Look at the posts, I made indirect jabs and didn’t abuse anyone specifically like you did. It was you that threw your toys from the pram because you didn’t like what I said, it was you that started abusing people. And then you think you can get me banned because you don’t like one of the words I used. You should take your own advice and grow up, you obnoxious little troll.

You insult people, you can’t take it back so you report them and try to get them banned because your so immature you can’t take what you give. And if trying to goad someone into being banned from an internet forum that they don’t even care about is the best you can do you really are the most pathetic and tragic excuse for a person I have ever seen. You are so sad it’s hilarious. And you openly admit your just a pathetic little snitch like you’re proud of it. Priceless.

That is much more direct than:

Seeing how you’ve reacted to me calling you out, I think my first impression was spot on, actually.

I said suspended, not permanently banned.

Naughty corner for you.

i Think u the only one on this forum quoting poeples post so weird. Also comment on how everyones Spelling on wow Classic forum in every thread is kinda cringe. nobody here is trying to make and essay but apperently you are trying to, maybe time to take a break from forums kid ? :rofl:

imagine spending time here everyday making conflict with people (unloved Child)


I rarely do that, as I’m aware that not everybody here is born to the English language. I did so to Ungongo as he first did it to me, hense why my corrections were direct quotes from him.

Given that you were previously the guy telling people that they’re bad and that you’re going to be higher rated than them in TBC, I don’t think you’re in any position to criticise anyone.

And yes; I can certainly see why you’d be upset at people correcting each other’s English.

Right so you can link some direct insults that I made. Can you link any that I made before you started with the direct insults? You’re trying to look like it wasn’t you that started this, but anyone reading the thread can see otherwise so you’re just looking more stupid. Oh… and still no suspension, its clear who the mods agree with.

I’ll give you a clue, the first direct insult on this thread was you:

You are such a hypocrite, you don’t PvP but you are in every PvP thread to support premades stomping pugs and ruining the fun for everyone, and telling anyone who doesn’t like it to leave the game. Then you have the nerve to call other people “the fun police”. You are the most cancerous thing I have seen in these forums.

If you don’t see how its fun to create a ridiculous 100% dodge character which most people wouldn’t think to be even possible - then your definition of fun sucks, mate.

Yeah for me no challenge=no fun. The fun comes from knowing you might lose and any mistake you make will cost. But if you prefer to make other people miserable while not being able to lose I would say your definition of fun, and your attitude sucks, mate.

Challenge is fun. But so is many other things. Doing something ridiculous and unusual is one of them.
And who the f feels miserable for losing a fight on a battleground, what are you talking about? If anything, these people were probably laughing their butts off seeing all their attacks being dodged. I know I would.

I think its hilarious!