Leveling horrors

Hello and I apologise if the topic has been discussed already.

I recently decided to check out TBC classic and rolled a resto druid as I love dungeon and raid healing.

Made it to level 16 questing and thought now was the time to finally find a group and start doing some dungeon runs. Well, it turns out it’s virtually impossible to find a group for any dungeon lower than level 60. I logged out and tried at different times of the day to no avail.

I quested a little bit more and made it to level 18 and decided to go and do a couple of Battlegrounds. Every single char apart from me was a twink with 1.6K HP etc… Not a single “normal” char. I tried a couple of hours later and it was all the same.

So tl;dr leveling is very off-putting as there are no low level dungeon groups and Battlegrounds seem to be “exclusive” for twinks.

Just buy the boost buddy and skip the early game in its entirety if you’re not having a good time.

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you have to do all the way to 58-60 in feral (fast way) just rush q. if you dont want that. them go pay for boost.

(blame blizzard yes, they killed 1-60 leveling zones)

oh i forget to mention… there is a 2nd way. buy gold for irl money. and pay for boost


thank you for the reply. I didn’t know there were a “boost” you could buy. But even if I did I came back as I miss the old days back in 2005-2006. I leveled a holy priest then and I had a blast. I know every low level instance by heart.

I wanted to excitement of looking for a group, walking to the dungeon and the whole feeling of battling through it with your party. This seems to be missing at the moment for whatever reason. Very sad :frowning:

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you come 2 years later them. that experience was vanila classic

Your main problem is that you’re levelling on a server with a low horde pop, 680ish lvl70s raiding. I’m levelling a hunter on Gehennas at the moment with over 6800 lvl70s and all zones are busy. I’ve ran several dungeons so far, it’s been a blast. The second problem is that a lot of people are grinding BGs and content at lvl70 rather than play alts as we’re still in the 1st phase of TBC.

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It’s hard to find dungeon groups for Azeroth content without a guild. The LFG channel is basically reserved for Outlands only. Occasionally someone will post something in the trade chat but generally speaking your only shot at consistently getting dungeon groups is by joining a levelling guild. And even then it’s kinda hard because of the boost, and the game isn’t as active as it was back in early phases of Classic.

You are Horde on a PvP realm. All zug-zugs there, using the level 58 boost or dungeon boosts. Sorry.

Lol, and that’s where we are now. Blizz trash their own game and turn it into poop with p2w crap so lazy retailers can suggest using p2w as cure for all problems.

Create problem and sell solution. Thanks Blizz /golfclap

OP could just do quests and level like ur supposed to but now he gets told to cheat and buy his way to end of game.

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Hmm already in 2010 the early battlegrounds were twink infested and I back then decided to lay off BG all the way to lvl 47 or so.

Lvl 40’s and above were quite clear of twinks back then. I expect that to have changed by now, however.

Interesting how new players now roll resto druids while historically so few of them were available.

The main problem is the realm you chose I think. It’s borderline low-medium.

You need to just bite the bullet and quest to 58 then you should get more dungeon groups available. Or change realms.

There’s quite a few people leveling on Nethergarde Keep horde side. Seems like the whole server has decided that its time for alts. I logged on my bank alt yesterday for 2 mins and some random guy invited me to a dungeon :slight_smile:

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You can thank the level 58 boost for that.

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It is not about 58 boost. You are just playing a content of 2 years ago. Ofc to find people will be harder than 2019 august-september. It is normal.

Before 58 boost those topics were more common in classic. People were buying gold from rmt mages with their euros and they were giving that gold to rmt mages again for afk boosting.

Dungeon leveling was died long long before tbc hits.

Go feral or give your money to blizzard or rmt mages.

Those 58 boost crybabies are mostly rmt mages who dont like competition with blizzard to milk.


Agreed. I am levelling 2 Hordies from scratch as well.

And there it is. The stupidest comment of all time. :rofl:

Say whatever you want. People who played classic know what i say. Boosting was here long before 58 boost hits.

Rmt mage boosting ok, but blizzard boosting nooooo?


This happens regardless since people focus on end-game. It’s a fundamental flaw of the level system.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure that that most of us that were teenagers back in the days doesn’t have as much time to play and less patience with longer grinds.

Sad, but what can you do?

I fear you’re incapable of reasoned debate and discussion if you consider levelling winning, and purchasing items available in the store as cheating.