I didn’t play!!!
if i actaully cared about reading quest texts etc it might be decent. but overall questing in vanilla is nothing special honestly. generic and boring quests 9 out of 10 times.
Sounds like Retail is the game for you then. Have fun.
Lol I’ve read quite a bit(they kind of suck) and thats not the reason I like quests. Quests are a way to point you to a grind spot
Man, who a gives a 4letters if it’s your IRL problem that you don’t have time to play lol. Don’t play, crying here is not going nor help or change anything.
Leveling = playing. It’s not like leveling is hard job that you need to do. If you don’t enjoy leveling then you don’t enjoy playing. Quit!
Holy hell with current generation lately…
Cant take that post serious with your name
Well, why do you play then? Or, you can, as was suggested, take the free transfer ( I think it ends on the 17th or 16th but not sure). It’s just a few days left and then that chance is gone.
Reroll to lower server enjot leveling. Can tansfer to diff realm later. Stop crying bro
Retail is that way ---->
I was afraid this was gonna turn into a “I work all day, get home, prepare dinner, put the kids to bed and I have only one hour of time to play WoW, WHY CANT I HAVE ALL THE THINGS RIGHT NOAW?!!!1”. To be fair, it almost looks like that’s exactly what you’re saying. Either way, go play retail, you’re obviously lost here and accidentally clicked “classic” on the launcher. You dont belong here.
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