Leveling is where the fun is at

When I first started a friend told me that the game begins at max level. But whenever I reach max level on any alt, I get bored very fast. Been wondering lately if this is the game for me after all.

I like the leveling experience - the sense of progression by getting new equipment, spells and levels. The whole experience is just fun. However, it’s also a short experience. You’ll reach max level in no time and pretty soon get bored again.

As for playing at max level, I’m not sure if just upgrading your items is that interesting for me. It’s even less interesting when you realize the items will be useless by the next season. At the same time it’s too long a wait (to upgrade your items) when comparing to the leveling experience, but also too short for the items to really matter in the long run. I don’t get the fun in putting in so much effort into upgrading your items only for them to not matter in a few months.

A part of me is hoping there’s more to it at the max level that I’m just not aware of yet. Something that will get me hooked. I like battlegrounds, but no solo queue for ranked battlegrounds makes them less accessible and not really worth the time, I guess. In general, I don’t get the appeal in any content that is locked behind premade teams. Solo queues should be available for all content. Those who want to do premade, can do so, those who want the chaos of solo queues, have fun. I guess there’s just not enough sense of progression for me at max level. Or maybe I just don’t know better yet. :smiley:


I’m more of a retail player myself, So I normally don’t suggest this. It sounds like classic is more to your taste where leveling is more of a feature of the game than retail. The game begins at max level is true when it comes to retail but not on Classic.


I’ve really only tried classic for a few levels, but perhaps I should give it a proper try. Should I go for the latest classic expansion or the classic era realms?

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I would say, for what it sounds like you enjoy, I would actually play each expansion by itself.

Start of with Vanilla, it doesn’t sound like you care much for the raiding etc. but for the level experience, and for me back then it was what made vanilla a “loving” memory. That you started a fresh game, and you were taking your time to explore caves, read your spells, wonder off to random spots because “I wonder whats behind that mountain over there”

I don’t know if you can transfer characters from classic to TBC, and onwards, but it may give you that feeling of playing like it was back then.

But a thing I thought that could also make it cool for you, could be, that you reach lets say lvl 10, and you go to your capital city and freeze your exp. that way you can complete all the quests in zones that are that lvl appropriate before moving on.

I think classic zones are 1-35? That way you still get the feeling of new terrains, new zones, new questlines, stories etc. without feeling rushed.
Yes, it will be a long journey, but it sounds like thats what you enjoy, so who cares if you’ve been lvl 35 for 4 months, if you in return got to enjoy hundreds of quest lines that you previously hadn’t even heard of? :slight_smile:
Could be interesting!


I’m glad you are enjoying levelling.

Sadly my days of enjoying levelling are long gone. I only get that now when new expansions hit but I’ve been playing a long time and have played every expansion while it was current (excluding Vanilla itself). So I’ve seen all of it numerous times.

The experience at max level is just different to levelling. You become more powerful by doing various content, that content also has varying levels of difficulty.

Every season we are reset and the gearing process starts again and I love that initial busy time, and then it calms down as you require less and less upgrades.

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You are not alone with this my friend. I’ve been like this since I started playing back in 2008. We are called altoholics for a reason :slight_smile: Of course altoholic does not mean you don’t do end game content, just that there are many players who play with multiple characters.

Last week I made myself a tauren druid (balance) and I really loved it. Leveled it up to 70 thinking that this will be my main from now on, but as per usual, today I made myself a new character (yet another blood elf paladin… sigh)

This is also a reason I don’t join any guilds anymore because I know I’ll play with that one character so short period of time there is really no point joining a guild

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I agree and sadly such is the situation, they are making it less XP to max level in TWW as well. End game is… okay. Do Loremaster once and then it feels like there isn’t much point. My favourite part of a new expansion is doing all the new zones and getting to max level… then I tend to find an alt.

Classic is essentially a different game now but completely about the journey, not the destination. Absolutely I recommend doing

  1. Classic Era
  2. Classic SoD
  3. Classic Cataclysm

The reason for this order is that firstly, Classic Era is the original game and the most RPG it ever was, also I found the community quite nice. SoD is like vanilla with sprinkles and I have enjoyed finding the runes and seeing what I can do.

TBC servers don’t exist and Wrath servers will soon cease to on the 1st May when the Cataclysm pre-patch hits. Vanilla WoW zones will be gone for good and the game changed a lot from the original by this time anyway. However, you still will have to level through TBC and WotLK in order to get to the high level Cata zones.

There’s so much adventure awaiting you, I am jealous.

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Wondering whether to play Mage, Rogue or Paladin for a “solo dps explorer” with maybe a bit of PvP on the side. Been trying to look up information on them, but lots of players seem to suggest Paladin is purely healer - however, they seem to talk about endgame rather than the journey, so I’m wondering if it’s still a viable option for exploring around. I’ve always found rogue fun, but is it any good for exploration and soloing content? Mage seems to be the most popular class and quite strong too, but a part of me wants to avoid what everyone else is playing. :smiley:

I am of the opposite opinion. I think leveling is a pointless experience that gets in the way of the true experience which is the end game.
I like the questing and story bits (which is not the same as the arbitrary level numbers), but the gearing is fake temporary gearing that isn’t gonna last and we are getting weaker relatively to the content. You like going up the ladder quickly, i like having sturdier steps on the ladder and feel like i achieved worthwhile power to bring out the potential of my character.
Basically i like feeling strong. The leveling is a pointless step to get there. I hate leveling my alts, it’s extremely boring.

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Depends on what content you want to do.
Levelling via questing is the main thing and the best classes for that, solo, are Paladin and Hunter. Mage is also touted as very good but it can be a little complicated imo.
Dungeon wise and PvP pick whatever you want.
Going with someone else? Pick whatever you want but maybe with some synergy.

The important thing to note is it is very slow in comparison and a lot more difficult. You have to pay attention, use your potions/food/any tiny buff and keep your armour/weapons updated, plan your route, run away, skip some quests or find people.

Try them all, see how far you get on a class and if it becomes too much of a nuisance for you or too boring.

I actually agree in that I am quite happy being max level and questing. Levelling simply is rather pointless in retail now and they should, imo, bring out a different account wide system to “level” instead. Especially since otherwise we will end up at 120 and squishing again.

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You seem to be enjoying the adventure rather than the endgame. I can relate.

Try and see if you like classic. Not necessarily Wrath, season of discovery is really really fun. Also don’t be afraid to try other games and see if you’d have more fun.

I understand your point but I wouldn’t say leveling is where the fun is at, for myself at least. The main issue is end game content. It is a grind of the same content over and over again for several months until the next season comes out which makes you do the same grind of different content but repeated over and over again until the next season…and so on. It is so dull and only those people who enjoy leaderboards and ranking will truly enjoy it.

Currently, as I missed many expansions, I’m just going back through them and completing the stories. I also go after transmogs and look for any way to make some gold. That keeps me entertained enough. I’m not sure what will happen when I finish all the expansion stories that I missed before. I may just go play a different game and only come back to ‘complete’ the stories of new expansions and major storyline patch releases.


Leveling is kinda my thing too, it’s relaxing and fun to meet new players and help them out. making new friends and downing some bosses. The max level community is generally awful in my experience, so much toxicity and rushing to smash high level keys and freaking out over a wipe


From my point of view, grinding is boring and a waste time especially because at the start of next season you have to start again. Now I go back to old zones. The level quests are low, I receive no experience but I like the story.

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That is true, but there are toxic players in the low level range too. I recently played a 5man low level dungeon, we rushed through pretty quick, but suddenly the rogue started dying half way through, cuz the healerdiva refused to heal him, reason: he made less dmg. I could understand this if we struggled through the dungeon. The rogue was also new to the game and still learning his class in a dungeon setting, he left the group voluntarily, after he got flamed to oblivion, I felt really bad for him and still think we should have kicked that healer…

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I know it exists in low level content but it tends to be more prevalent in higher level content. I hate it when people penalize new players for not being world first level. The game needs a huge social overhaul, problem is I have no idea how best to do it. One idea would be to have the DPS take a hell of alot more damage from mobs and bosses to discourage them from running ahead and puling loads of mobs or ripping aggro off the tank

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I have the urge to level right now, but with MoP remix on the horizon; I kinda don’t want to burn myself out either on it.
It’s a tricky spot to be in… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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Exactly where I am. Doing WoD on a Maghar Shaman because I haven’t unlocked the heritage armour, trying to manage until the 1st May with Cata Classic hits. I am level 37 in one day, it’s… not going to last.

Exactly my stance. I’m max level so xp doesn’t matter, I make my gold away from quests anyway, so the rewards don’t matter. It’s just about being varied i.e. I can do some Legion stuff until I fancy a change, then I can pop over and do some Shadowlands stuff etc. I just get to do what I want and have a new story along the way. The alternative is to run the same dungeons over and over and over again. I honestly don’t know how people can do it.

100% guaranteed that if there is a toxic player in a low level dungeon, this is a max player’s Alt, likely a long term WoW player.

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