Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

darn matey my feelings be real you know


You’re a baddie, alright :wink:
See you at the gym

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Yes, that is what is the meaning of words I said:

But you have no valid explanation why shouldn’t that be so.

I’m not doing any such things. Don’t strawman me. That’s offensive.

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Already there, taking a break before the next excercises :muscle:


Looking down On people won’t get you far. Once more I haven’t typed a joke.

ppl are mental these days, its ok to watch chars kill each other, kill animals and critters, make war and so on, thats all fine to watch and witness, but if you see a funny name ingame, oh lord thats gonna be the end of the world.

how did u even find your own way to this forum?


The whole thing you try to vilify is the joke and it’s funny how you karen-out here XD

I’m having a good laugh

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The entire thread is a broken record that seems to have gotten a bit out of hand.

People getting offended at what others find offensive and bickering about it all.

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you’re not very bright are you?

this topic will get you very far though


Once more I’ve stated my opinion and if you think laughing at someone for having one is a solution. You might want go to a tv and watch a comedy show then come back when you can voice a serious answer towards the topic.

don’t deflect, just stop repeating the same thing over and over and join the rest of us in having a laugh at thellanah’s breakdown

Pump on brother

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Am not broken down Am a calm person but I think glorifying lewd names is wrong.


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my bad, let’s call it thellanah’s crap then, unless someone has a better description for this

They are just shy people.

Okay, I am giving you, one, last, chance. You think its wrong to laugh at someone for having a solution. They think you’re wrong for straight up denying any other solution or alternative to your own. Please understand why this isnt working for you… please man.

big mistake xD

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chance? Am just typing towards you guys. But you seam to not want to talk about it.

you are welcome to think that but you also need to respect the fact others do not feel the same way…

and alas i just solved all the worlds problems …

after typos… and mishaps on the forum ofc…