Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

very much so mhm :sunglasses:


On the old forums we used to find words that weren’t picked up by the filter. Daestra and I first bonded over a very British expression I got through uncensored.

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I’m not really sure of your point here.

Neither name you gave are particularly suggestive or can be taken the wrong way here.

Sure I suppose punching people and stabbing people are crimes. But they’re also part of this game.

Stabby is a good name for a rogue
Onepunchman is a good name for a monk.

I’m sure we’ve all been punched a some point in our lives. And I hope that none of us have ever been stabbed… however sexual assault is usually a crime that happens a lot goes unreported because of the shame and embarrassment it can cause people. And you shouldn’t be making a joke of it.

I’m a man, and had my behind grabbed in public unsolicited about 15 years ago, and I can still feel it. I’m not really that shaken up by it, but I don’t really want to be reminded of it either.

Oh one name I reported during BFA, I was absolutely shocked by how this word got through the filter with no accents. I just wish I could repeat it, I was giggling so hard as I right clicked and reported.

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Spoiler: they won’t.

Right click the name and report then let Blizzard decide whether it’s ok in their game. As for the name you seem to want to report … really? It’s not a brilliant name but it’s a jokey name. As you’ve seen from virtually everyone who’s responded in the thread, they don’t agree with you.


Okay, okay …

the truth be a ol’ disgruntled teacher of me once claimed “you’ll never amount to a crusty sock”

i showed them!

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With themes like Genocide in it.

They have - did you not see the fruit bowls?

A “child” who has to ask for context on a name as simple as “bootyslapper” should not be on the internet. That’s a parenting failure on your end.

Just because something offends you, doesn’t mean that the thing which offended you shouldn’t exist, nor does it mean that anybody else should care.


That said OP is probably just trolling. This is too silly of a thread.


you know even ninnymuggins is considered derogatory but if you saw someone running around called that would you report them or laugh as them like.

if they were female and attractive ngl i would of prob returned the favour had that happened to me :stuck_out_tongue:


Booty is a pirates treasure, and everyone knows that when a pirate digs up a chest of gold they slap the chest, like “Arrgh, that’s some good booty”. Hence BootySlapper, the wealthy pirate.

Praise Green Jesus this thread just keeps giving


375 posts this is amazing, for a thread which could be best summarised as

“Person outraged by someone using the anonymity of the internet”

this is how i imagine my 86 yr old grandmother would react if she understood how to post comments on the internet.

she’d also invite everyone over for tea and biscuits… she always does that.

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this thread is great

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I’d also like to point out in my native tongue Thellanah directly translates to booty slapper.

I am afraid I must ask you change your name or blizzard should take action at once

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Don’t know if I would want that kind of female in my life… whether I found them attractive or not.

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Bumping this thread is a sin.

That said…

I am sorry

good for a side fling no strings though :slight_smile:

not everything has to be complicated after all :stuck_out_tongue: