Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

Me, me, me! It’s an easy target, you have 4 mins to think of something relevant!

Well obvious Zens or Zen is state of
Peaceful tranquility and thus you’re trying to say you’re more tranquil than the rest of us which cannot be accepted. We are all equal, therefore name changes required to ray.

I am afraid ray won’t last long either as it could be a death ray, and on exiles reach I watched an innocent boar get killed by a death ray.

Name change incoming



Nice, nice!

But by easy it could have been:
I’m offended by your name :rage:, I’m allergic to raisins and I almost died once due to that damned cookie not having chocolate chips in it! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


off topic I mean other names too. Not just the one I posted.

Like your name when spelled backwards? It’s pretty lewd…

My name Is Tell Lanah ‘‘lanah’’ means light.


Hanal lhet - remove the h’s(or treat them as slient) and why would you name yourself something as lewd as that??
What were you thinking?

Don’t get me started on your anagram…


what anagram ? Lanah means light In Slavic history.

We’re speaking English here on the forums, it’s pretty easy to get the lewdness out of it with that.

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Don’t even go there with the plums… :wink: :laughing:

that’s why am explaining it in english.

I do so hope you haven’t taught your little toddler about how to play the game yet. Wouldn’t want to raise a mass murderer now would you? Can’t enjoy that living pension if it’s in jail.

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You’re taking it a little far tbh.

Obvious troll is obvious.

The words, in your name, re-arranging them, meaning treating it as an anagram
( anagram



noun: anagram; plural noun: anagrams

  1. a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another, such as spar, formed from rasp.)

If you want i can get to the point and show what can become of it.
But you have to promise me you won’t show it to your kid though!

P.S. My gametime expires in 21 hours, so i don’t really mind if i get banned for it, i’ll try to censor ofc.

I’m having some fun here, before i start playing Alien: Isolation for the first time. :scream:


I like how my post got reported for trolling.

I’m not trolling btw, i’m just showing how much of a hypocrite the OP is. :slight_smile:


pls turn off the game…and your internet
and one more thing pls stop being offended by everything
just tell your kid what that means and we are good to go
your kid will one way or another get to this kind of stuff by himself later.

Maybe even experience it one day, when of legal age ofc!

Right here buddy.

Alive and slappin’

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Does it mean a lady of the night from booty bay ?

I don’t get these kinds of people
like what the hell you want to save your KID from?
just tell him how it really is in the REAL world
people joke about things people are RUDE etc
and if you think that’s somehow bad you can lock him in plastic room and keep him there forever because you afraid he will be hurt by WORDS :smiley:

God damn people