Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

Sounds like the start of an episode of Criminal Minds. :sweat_smile:

i once got reported and suspended for trolling when i made a april fools joke on this forums…

and it was IN SEASON too >.>

I guess the moderator didn’t like the joke… maybe you’ll have to step up your joke game this year!

well it was aimed at blizzard and wow so i wouldn’t be surprised lol.

tbh… getting suspended means the joke was actually pretty good and hit its mark… maybe i shouldnt feel so bad.

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Just when you think you have seen it all on these forums this kind of thing comes along…damn man talk about overreactions to overreactions. Geeze!

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Children can be really disgusting when they are 12 years old - Im shocked at all the absolutely disgusting things they can teach you, where do they get it from - other little sweet children.

i can’t remember being 12 personally.

one of them years which is just blank … i think everyone has those years xD

well mine is pure.

No more jokes allowed on these forums, the mods don’t want competition. If you know what I mean.

Yes, you do seem like the type of parent kids would keep secrets from.

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That’s not hard when the parent is hiding from reality.

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I remember back in school when i was a kid the worst behaving kids always had parents thinking their kids were the purest being ever created


pure??? parents of priests in rl where thinking that also probally , look where that ended.
the only pure child cant play this game because its only 1 maybe 2 years old and never went too shool or to childcare

Does sad face I’ve had the misfortune to having been stabbed once, during a mugging (Joke was on them, I had no money in my wallet, having been clubbing, and the phone they nicked was getting replaced in two days anyway!) I have also been shot. I wasn’t even the intended target, as I haven’t made any enemies like that, but just happened I was stood in a queue to get into a nightclub in Birmingham behind someone who -did- have enemies like that, I strongly suspect they were either part of the Johnson Crew, or the Burger Bar boys (That name sounds funnier than they are!) Because after the shot happened and the car was driven off the guy turned round, obviously panicked and grabbed my hand, putting it over the entry wound and said (I will alter the swearing) “Heck bruv, you’s a civilian, a white dude, they was after me, not you, oh bruv, I’m sorry man, I Can’t be here when the 5-0 turn up, I’ll get busted for sure (Genuinely had never heard the word 5-0 used to refer to the police in England, or anywhere outside of American cop dramas) I’mma call you an ambulance then split, there’s people here, but I can’t have a brother take a bullet meant for me on my conscience, stay with it”

I have to say, weirdly getting shot was less traumatic than getting stabbed, and I’m not unique in that, other survivors of both injuries have felt the same, apparently is because if you are shot, it is almost impersonal, whilst still being potentially lethal obviously, whereas if you are stabbed it is -personal- and more visceral, because you can see whatever in your attacker’s eyes is driving them, and they are by definition within arms reach, so it feels much more, well, yeah, visceral, personal and like an expression of utter hate, than a dispassionate bang from range for all that both were potentially lethal.

Weird but true.

100% this. Most of it never gets reported, because that means a trial, and having to relive it, and most survivors of it don’t want to have to do that. The most shocking one is male on male sexual assault, where the report rates are so -ridiculously- low in comparison to the actual incidents. But that’s more society and how boys and men are taught to think, even on the playground. Can’t be showing weakness and letting the side down, after all.

Hen do’s are the worst, the absolute worst, you see it a lot. Nobody gives a hot damn about it because ‘It’s just a bit of fun ain’t it, and you should be flattered of the attention’ Then if you think about it, and flip it around, how about if it was a Stag do, and a gang of men surrounded a woman on her own, at night, grabbing at genitalia? Doesn’t sound like a bit of fun so much anymore, does it?

Barcelona was rough. Beautiful city, excellent restaurants, but Gods above and below, the ‘ladies of financially negotiable affection’ are far too bold and ‘tactile’ This is nothing against Sex workers, but It is one thing telling a potential punter prices and another grabbing them by the bits and trying to physically lead them by it to wherever!

Almost certainly. If a parent is -allowing- their child to play a computer game that they -know- has a rating of content that said child should not be exposed to, then that is a parenting failure. That isn’t Blizzard’s job to put right. I mean, where does that end? “I’m suing Ford, because when I let my 8 year old neck a bottle of whiskey, gave them the keys, get into my Ford and drive, they crashed it! Why do Ford allow an 8 year old to drink whiskey and drive a car!!!”

Simple answer would be, Ford didn’t. You did. Parenting error.

Well, I mean, despite the name being inspired by a Celtic Briton tribe, apparently ‘Brigante’ also means a ‘Thief or Bandit’ but only in Italian…so…Ya got me Judge, I’m guilty!

Actually the correct word simply refers to the spoils of war taken at sea or land, and has no sexual connotation until the -very- late 1990’s. By Spoils of war, to clarify, it means fiscal money, items of worth, and never referred to people of either sex to be used for nefarious purposes. So there we go, ‘Booty’ refers to plunder either from piracy, or land based ransacking of conquered locations. Given that our character is encouraged to do this on a regular basis, by the legal authorities who govern the world entire, I therefore find the OP in contempt of court, and vocabulary.

Well, depends on which religious Sky Daddy you believe in, because if it’s any of them who use a cross as a symbol, I have some bad news for you.


First thing you should learn is that nobody in the community care about other people, or children for that matter. Most are entitled spoiled priviliged kiddos, that are now what seems to be adults on the ouside.

You wouldn’t get anywhere with this even though its actually a pretty great complaint, that our kids shouldn’t be seeing things like that. But then again the Game allows for kids age 12, and it wouldn’t surprise me if bad parenting already exposed all of this to the kids.

Since your kid asked, you probably didn’t expose him/her to it but again, nobody cares, its the world we live in.

If this parent deems this problematic, “Bootyslapper” should be at the very bottom of the listed things that she and her child have to work through, and should most likely look for a specialized health professional.

I like how this thread gets most attention out of anything and on top of it most people here ignoring the topic completely. Looks just like a discord chat :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think most people already made the obvious connection between ‘letting a child do something they should not be allowed to do’ and ‘That’s your fault’ a long while back. Then we just gleefully skipped off, Lords and Ladies of Misrule into the sunshine and twisted bizarreness that is derailing a weekend Troll thread. It’s kind of a weekly thing.

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I’m not saying I agree that the example name is offensive, just that there are channels to report them through.

I played WoW with my son when he was still a child and we had some great times. It’s a nice game to play, you can just disable things like chat for them if you’re worried about what kind of language they’ll see.

I personally think most teenagers know more offensive names and words than the example given. However WoW has rules and if they are broken you can flag/report them and let Blizz deal with it. They are the ones with the power :slight_smile:

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I think you need a sense of humour buff.