LF a Blizzard response: All talents that reduce Spell Resists in PVP no longer works since Phase 2!

SP is uniquely affected in the sense that both Silence and Psychic Scream are the same school of magic, and are also our only forms of CC (ok, there is Mind Control. Still shadow).

One of the unique things about shadow spec is you get 10% spell hit from talents. This makes it easy to cap hit for raids, but more importantly, it used to nicely and cheaply counteract some of the power coming from talents like Unbreakable Will (but not only that).

This made the spec much more playable (enjoyable, but also in a competitive sense) and less RNG in an already RNG infested expansion

It’s broken since Phase 2 (in the eyes of the actual players, not devs), and since then, rogues/druids/priests resist everything. The last thing TBC needed was more RNG.

Blizzard don’t care or they would have fixed this already.

stop write in threads with relevant in game issues, pathetic how u just high jack this thread and making a drama about stuff nobody cares and take focus of the main purpose of the thread. hilarious…

this dude is either lonely, weird, weirdo, anti social, akward, or all before mentioned

He has 16k posts in this forum… I think that speaks for itself.

Is Activision Blizzard even reading the forums? There is no purpose of having one if the developers are not even going to read the posts and answer the community.


It’s all the more frustrating, because they are aware of this issue, and in their eyes, this change is good.
Sure it makes the game unplayable for us, but it’s (supposedly) consistent with how things briefly worked before, so I guess we should be grateful or something.

Blizzard, this is the final call to revert/fix this issue before emulated Wotlk comes around. I’m sure there will be crazy bugs and inconsistencies for you to hold on to there, so please let us finish this super short last season with at least a semblance of fun gameplay.

This works as intended.

Stun/fear/charm etc. protection from talents are absolute, they can’t be countered by hit, spell hit or talents. It was clearly stated in a blue post in early TBC classic.

They are being countered with melee hit rating but not spell hit rating, currently. And there was no such post in early TBC classic, it was in Season 2 as a result of this very topic you are replying into. Its even posted few posts above yours.
If you are clueless, atleast have the decency not to reply with misinformation that helps nobody.

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Well guys, as TBC is ending, and no changes were made to fix just how broken resists are, I am pleased to tell you that on Wrath beta, it’s even worse. Spell hit and spell pen are broken, so prepare to have everything resisted always, and a blue post 6 months from now saying it’s intended.

After a year of unplayable resists everywhere, making certain classes a complete joke (hi shadow priests), they finally changed it back:


Too bad we will never be able to play TBC with it properly again, but hey, its atleast something :man_shrugging: Who would have thought that the Season 1 ends up being the most playable and “best” one despite being literally the worst one on the paper.

Maybe the WOTLK folks will appreciate our TBC sacrifice FeelsStrongMan.

I guess that concludes this thread.

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