LF a (classic bc) guild who still does naxx on alliance side :^)

Well, if you want to get anywhere in this game past 5man content, you kind of have to. I know for a fact every pug I made in AQ20 and Kara and Gruul+Mag i had absolutely no qualms about kicking people who wouldn’t join discord, at least to listen in on assignments and callouts. It’s a sign of extreme disreapect for the group you’re in.


Discord is just so good that there’s no point in not having it. It serves as teamspeak and guild websites combined, it’s fantastic for organising pugs and for setting events up.

You’re basically disconnected from the majority of the playerbase by refusing to use it.

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the man is unwilling to help himself, and therefore unhelpable by us as well


To listen, sure, but in-game voice does the same thing. But either way , that content barely has any mechanics and it’s not that hard for lvl 70 people, jeez

Naxx can still wipe a group of 20 70’s if they’ve no idea what they’re doing.
Again, you’ve been told what your best chances of getting a Naxx pug running but you dismiss and refuse to do that.
You won’t be setting foot in Naxx is my best bet.

P sure people still do it now and then , so it’s why i’m asking. It’s not like i have a deathly aversion to dc or anything. I’m just not using it for now.


Still refusing to use discord?

So, since we last spoke, I’ve been in a couple of Naxx runs. One of them made by guild to get splinters for a member, and a couple of GDKP pugs from realm discord where I made a pretty penny from others buying splinters and shoulder enchants. How about you, Abbacchio? :upside_down_face:

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“CaNt BE sO HaRd tO NatURalLy fOrM a NaXX PuG”

“3 oF EAch CLaSs”

Dude you are so disconnected from reality, it isn’t even funny. Be an hero.

There’s 3 Naxx pugs each week on Gehennas Horde, I’ve moved from the SR pug I used to join to a GDKP one. Since then I’ve gotten both of the AP/crit enchants I want and the SP/crit one.

Still no Ashbringer though. Finally saw one drop (first time ever, and I’ve only missed 6 4hm resets since release), unfortunately that week we had a goldbuying hunter with 60k gold in the run, so I had no way of ever outbidding him; feels bad.

ALL 3 of these pugs use Discord though. So here’s the thing; you’re not getting into a Naxx pug without discord.

Firemaw alliance has naxx runs like every 2 days… this man is standing in his own way.

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I just want to run it as is , not for gold. Not to mention with wotlk classic in maybe a year or less , these sets will be unobtainable again.

No u. (10 char)

There we go , the only sane reply in this thread.

Synrelia literally said you were standing in your own way; which is the exact same thing the rest of us said.

Tick tock, tick tock.


I don’t think this has the desired effect on him, he seems too willfully ignorant to understand…
First day of Wrath this guy will be here like
YOU GUYS prevented me from getting what I wanted and now it’s no longer obtainable!

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I mean , it is kinda true , is the dude asking for a community/guild too much?

That’s not at all what this guy is asking for tho.
He’s asking for someone else to set up a Naxx group and invite him to it but he’ll refuse to do ANY of the work involved in that and just expects others to do while declining to use the most used things, like a sign-up on a Server Discord for his server.