LF a female toon for 90% co-op PvE & 10% clean strictly IC romance

In-character Intro:

Rokmore, or Rok for short, is a Night Elf Guardian who sees himself as a protector, and upholds the values of chivalry and honor in his endeavors. Behind the imposing helmet and claws, and under his ferocious poise, there’s a not-so-obvious hopeless romantic aching for his soulmate; it shows in some of the gazes he averts.

He tries to save other adventurers if he sees them in trouble and believes that helping others is its own reward. He more than has a soft spot … he adores the ladies who show affinity for healing others and mending their wounds; he just finds the effort endearing beyond imagination. And has respect for a healer who is also comfortable punishing the wicked with just enough bravery.

The journey to acquiring better gear and more experience in these harsh lands can be very lonely and arduous at times. He is, truly, desperate for a dream-come-true of beloved company.

Out-of-character Highlights & FAQ Answers:

  • Absolutely not looking for a “pocket healer,” or whatever other slur some people enjoy using. And I find it very offensive to have a synergistic, cherished, and respected writing, adventuring, and roleplaying partner referred to as such. If that’s what I was looking for, I wouldn’t have had to go through the trouble of writing biographies or doing this on an RP realm. And I’m very much open to discussing things with a roleplayer who just DPSes, even if it would make running dungeons involve significantly more downtime.

  • Absolutely not looking for “eRP,” or any synonym of it. And it is very awkward for me to be approached in whispers just for that and be forced to politely decline. And if I ever initiate, start, hint, or push forth that stuff, there’s always a block/ignore button for me at such a time. And the right roleplaying partner will know the difference between eRP and romantic gestures. So, please don’t troll me with such accusations either; I prefer to not even waste time in responding to such crap anymore.

  • Absolutely not looking to take this from a strictly in-character adventuring & writing endeavor to real life, and I’m absolutely not looking for dating here. I do NOT want to discuss anything about my or my partner’s real life, save for the occasional innocent comments like “Gotta sleep early, as I’ve university tomorrow,” or something like that. I’d much rather keep my privacy and have my RP partner fully keep theirs. And again, should this prove to not be the truth, there’s always the ignore/block button.

  • I ultimately do not care all that much about knowing my adventuring & roleplaying partner’s real-life gender but I would be a bit more comfortable to know that they’re female, and I do not want to know if they’re male; the same applies to feminine or masculine non-cis genders. And to simplify this, we can just never talk about this and keep things 99% in-character, and I’ll be happy with that.

  • Only interested in doing this with a female Night Elf, rose-skinned Void Elf, a Draenei, or Human who is easy on the eyes (or at least my eyes). And I reserve the right to very politely hint that I do not feel that a character is attractive for me, by maybe asking if you have another alt. And there’s no right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, here. Of course, all races can be beautiful or at least cute in their own ways, and it’s all a matter of taste and what one finds attractive, which is largely out of one’s control.

  • I enjoy questing sometimes, and I almost always read the quest details for the quests that I do for the first time, but I am not a lore fanatic and am quite comfortable being creative and making my character different from most others of his kind. I enjoy running dungeons and tanking with a good healer and a skilled, friendly party even more.

  • I am a competent, very experienced, mostly patient and friendly tank first and DPS second, while I also heal occasionally, with little past raiding experience, and no Shadowlands raiding experience at the time of this post, as I’ve just returned to the game recently, but I am planning to gear up and find a raiding guild soon enough.

  • I am looking for a ratio of roughly 80 to 90% cooperative PvE (questing, dungeons, etc.) and 20 to 10% roleplaying and co-writing the romance genre, which will naturally involve non-romantic dialogue and RP, of course, like any realistic or believable story would be like. I could add 1% Battleground PvP with the occasional RP partner who would be up for that. I’m looking to progress in the game and gear up first and foremost, maybe go on new, interesting, or nostalgic adventures, but I also love (co-)writing romance, so this post or ad is my humble attempt at mixing both hobbies together.

  • If interested, you’re welcome to reply to this post with your character name and I’ll add and whisper you in-game, or if you prefer, you can whisper or even mail me in-game on Argent Dawn on Rokmore, Rokrend, Rokfel, or Rokscald, which is probably slightly better, just in case I forget to check the forums for a while.

  • Yes, I’ve done this before a few times but people move on, stop playing, and so on.

  • I have more samples of biographies for some Classic WoW alts from when I used to play it, including a couple of DPS alts, on [this Google Doc] (well, I just discovered that I can’t include links in my posts, unfortunately, so ask me in-game if you’re curious).

  • No strings attached if you just want to try things out before deciding whether to go for it for longer or not and no hard feelings if you ever feel like it’s not for you anymore. I do not expect anything from you if you contact me other than being always friendly and civil with me, and if we adventure together for a while, to always be kind with me, even if you’re saying goodbye, as I would be with you. And if you cannot do this, or have a history of being passive-aggressive or rude to others when they were only polite with you, then it’s better if you never contact me. Thank you.

If you’ve made it thus far, or simply jumped to the end, I thank you for your curiosity and the time you’ve shared with me, and I look forward to hearing only friendly responses or responses of positive interest.

Oh you are in the wrong place if you think this is possible.




My man’s looking for someone special!

no he just said he’s not looking for someone special !!! did you not read his third point out of the 27!

1 Like

Some of us don’t just blast trough the story in one go like barbarians! I like to ponder upon what I’ve read (and boy this needed some time to marinate) and continue on later!

is this satire?



I’d say you could be my pocket healer but I’m too enlightened to use such a term.

Which old god are you trying to summon?

The adverts have misled you OP. The promise of hot single females in your area was a lie. I’m sorry.

Also there is no cure-all for skin that doctors are hoping doesn’t go public either.




I can’t imagine why.




I don’t… understand…


yep, it’s gamer time


In the possibility of this thread’s sincerity, I’d like to raise a point.

Before I raise that point, however, I’d just like to say that if this thread is sincere, then I doubt the OP is going to respond to anything other than what they’re looking for.

So then, without further ado…

Seems odd that, looking for an RP/PvE partner, not only is it gender specific in regards to the character (which is fine?) but it’s a big yikes if the player happens to be anything but presumably, a cis female, when your intent isn’t OOC shenanigans or even ERP.

Furthermore, uhm. Like. I’m all for clean romance in RP, but you’ve not it clear anywhere in your post that you’re looking for adult role-players. Might want to fix that, chief. If your priority is whether or not they be a woman behind the screen and not a case waiting to happen, then something is a bit abnormal, imo. :thinking:


He wants someone to agree to his personal ToS just to rp bf/gf…

This guy must be a druid of the office.


if it is sincere, its pretty creepy.