LF alliance guild on any server. Preferbly raiding. Thanks.
Hello Mathilde
I have a really nice guild on Ravencrest, filled with a lot of cozy, positive and happy people We consist a lot of new/returning players, who are all eager and willing to learn. We will be raiding in SL (3 days on progress/ 2 on farm) and run a lot of M+ as well.
You shall be most welcome with
I can drop a link to our recruitment if you like to take a closer look Delete this topic please
Hi Mathildexb
Maybe this is something for you…
Ancient Souls
is a new guild on Ravencrest-EU. We are group of adults who enjoy their time in WoW as much as outside of it. Our goal is to build a community with main focus being mythic raiding with reasonable progress on schedule that allows us to take care of our daily lives as well as have fun in Azeroth.
We strive to create a positive atmosphere for anyone in the guild regardless of their aim in the game.
Our leadership has long time experience with raiding in some of the top 50 guilds of the past as well as mythic N’zoth progression in 8.3. Our estimate for Castle Nathria is
5-6/10M before next content patch.
Raiding Schedule:
Main raids:
Wednesday and Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00 ST
Alt raid (non compulsory):
Monday: 20:00 - 23:00 ST
You can also expect daily m+ runs of any and all difficulties as well as more social events, drunk raids and more fun during our offdays.
Whether you focus on raiding, mythic+, pvp or just want to have fun in general, you are free to join us and become part of our community.
Outside of the game we have very active Discord server as well as Facebook group, where you can get to know us and see who you’re playing with.
Guild Master of Ancient Souls
Battle net : Tipe#2310
Discord : Tathi#8733
Hi Mathildexb, “Pandemic” is a newly formed guild on Argent Dawn (Alliance) , Our raid times for shadowlands are Tue/Thu 21:00-00:00 Server Time with an optional alt run on Wednesdays. Our goal is to go straight through hc, and build the guild up to being mythic ready, and progressively into a CE guild.
Add me on discord if you want to talk more
We’re a heroic guild on Magtheridon with an active discord and about 25 raiders looking for healers or dps in preparation for Shadowlands. We raid twice a week (weds & sun @ 20:00 - 23:00) and we’re a pretty casual guild who aims to get curve and then to use the left over time to progress however far we can through mythic.
All of the details can be found here:
Hey Mathildexb:),
not sure if you are still looking for a Guild, but we are rebuilding at the moment to Raid together in Shadowlands, after we took a break in BFA. Our last Raid was BoD where we did 9/9 HC and 3/9M.
For Shadowlands we are going to clear Normal, Heroric and trying to get cutting edge this time. Raiddays are Wed. & Thurs. 19:00 - 22:00 Servertime.
We are missing 1 Warlock, 1 Mage and 1 Holy Paladin at the moment.
For more information you can take a look here:
or Add me on Battle.net
or ingame
Hey if you have what it takes for CE and are from sweden/norway add Personal#5770 on discord for futher talk.