LF Mature/Older guild

Good Morning,
I am a older player (nearing 47) looking for a guild that is supportive, chatty, active and most of all fun to spend time in. I have been playing this game for around 18 years on and off and have a far amount of experience, although i admit to not being up to date with recent expansions and raid.
I like to do mythics (but know my limits), i dabble in PVP but again i know i will never be best in server. I do like to raid and have done in previous expansions.
But i am also a father of 2 great kids and a husband, i also work full time, so as you can imagine my time is usually limited to when the kids are in bed or the jobs are all done.
As such i can never commit to being able to attend every week, (which has caused problems in previous guilds) but when i can attend i am eager to learn, patient and helpful.

I currently am just plodding about making ALTS, so server and faction is not an issue for me as i will reroll where ever.

Anyway, thanks for reading, i do hope to hear from someone soon, WOW is not the best played alone.

Battle tag is yarddog10#2114


Perhaps our cult… er guild, is something along the lines of what you’re looking for:

Hello there :wave:!

Are you looking for a guild where flexibility is central, where you can play as often or as little as you want? A guild that supports you, includes you, and help you push the content you’d like whenever you have time?

Welcome to Aged, a super friendly guild with a mature and friendly community.

If this sounds interesting, you can read more about us in this post: 👨🏽‍🦳[A] AGED - Ravencrest [1-day-a-week raiding]

Let me know if you’re interested :smile:.


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Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord

Or check out our guild recruitment post.