LF raiding Guild 8/8 HC holy priest

Hi! Like the title says I am in need of a guild.

Classes and specs I play:
Priest: Holy (preferred)/Disc
Previous experience: been raiding since vanilla last few expansions have been an AOTC player. I killed few bosses on mythic in previous expansions. TWW season 1 so far got keystone master and 8/8 HC.

Raid times: Nothing later than 22:00 ST, due to my current working hours.(Start work at 5 AM CEST)

Goals: I would like to get back nto Mythic raiding this expansion.

Reply with your raid days and a way to contact you.

Can also send logs.

Best regards

I think I posted this before. Maybe you have more than one post up. Anyway, here goes.

International Misfits NEW GUILD CE GOAL AND SECOND RAID TEAM Recruiting for Mythic Raiders and Socials
CE Goal
CE Core Team
Social Nights Also
Main Raid Nights Thursday Sunday Tuesday Social 20.00-2300
Discord sourc34971
Battlenet - sourc3#21623
Or Whisper

Jaydee#2274 battlenet