LF RP guild; getting back into the RP scene

Having not done any Warcraft RP in over a year, and prior to this it being three times or so within three years, I’m craving to get back into the scene once again. I miss the lore and the people and all that. So here I am, looking for a guild or something.

I have a variety of characters across both factions so I’m not lacking in anything to play (I don’t RP this character). However, I am not interested in human RP, good guy RP, nor any military guild. Neutral or chaotic or even evil is always good. I just don’t like RP revolving around being… good. While I’ve mained Alliance on AD since I joined in 2010, I do prefer Horde, though of course if a suitable Alliance guild pops up, I’ll happily stick to this faction.

My current main is a High elf warrior that’s a little bit chaotic and odd, but not necessarily evil. I don’t mind faction changing him to Horde for a guild while keeping the same basic concept of his history. I also have Night elves, Blood elves, Death Knights, Warlocks etc, but don’t mind using my current boost on a fresh concept.

All in all I’m very bored with just doing PvE and want to get back into RP and will RP nearly whatever, though my preferences are my High elf, BElf DH, either faction Warlock, or any race DK (I have a few). Or even a Night elf. I will not RP some races; Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Kul Tiran, Goblin.

Hi I’m Vaxir. I’ve been in the RPC on WoW since Jan 2010 and on the game itself since 2009. I’ve led guilds. I’ve been a simple member of guilds, which I prefer, though I don’t mind helping out. I love the lore and finding little bits to evolve my RP and throw into concepts. I’m also just some guy who is over the age of thirty and lives in England. LGBT+ friendly and open-minded. I currently do nothing IRL so I’m around most of the time, hitting bed around 1am. So that’s a little about me if it helps.


In all honesty Vax, Dark / Evil RP is pretty much dead has been since the end of Bane, Nekrosis and the other dark guilds in Duskwood as you know.

You’re more than likely not going to find proper villain RP anytime soon unless it’s somewhere maybe within the PCU. Hope you find a group for yourself and wish you luck though. :slight_smile:

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I know horde has a villanous coven with Ashen wake being their sister guild on alliance. Both are villanous and warlocky, a rare find these days. If you do not wish to join the PCU through them though, I am afraid I cannot point you to alternatives.

As someone that vastly prefers villanous RP myself, I can only sympathize with how dry the scene feels for people like us. You have my sympathy and support.

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I would recommend checking out

The Grim Gest to my understanding are the biggest “Evil ordinated” guild and they are cross-faction currently, you should be able to message one of their members for questions if they interest you.


Grins Darkly


The Crimson Reign was quite active til not long ago in Duskwood.
I believe you’d be a good fit for that guild Vaxir - as they roleplay Dark Riders, a variety of other evildoers, etcetera.

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that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard


You a gnomophobe? :dagger:

That said, can’t really point you to any guilds but hope you find one!

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