LF semi-hardcore guild - Disc priest

Hi there,

looking for a guild for shadowlands, currently a holy pally 128, recently got keystone master - just came back after a break. Looking to probably change class due to not liking new paladin style but still looking to heal on a disc priest, can’t raid Sundays. Have experience doing a little bit of mythic raiding in legion and would love to still do it (I like challenging content) however can’t commit the full amount of time needed to progress hardcore due to work/study, I would however still like to do a couple of nights a week raiding heroic and pushing mythic progression.

Love chilling in discord just doing keys with guildies. Just a laid back dude.

Would prefer alliance but can move to horde for the right guild.

Thanks for reading ^-^

Hi there

We are looking for DPS still, so if you are interested have a look:


Hi Thecheese, if your still looking for a guild - get in touch with me (discord: Aphyxia#7232). We’re a 3 day/week guild (Wed/Thu/Mon) with efficient Mythic Progress as our aim but always looking for guildies to be involved in Heroic raiding, M+ keys and generally nice social players!

(H) Twisting Nether, Recursion We are currently looking for a healer. hope to hear from you