LF weekend raid guild

As the title says it, I am looking for a guild who is raiding at friday and suterday (weekend). Doing N/HC and has the attention for mythic progress in the nearest future. I currently maining a Balance druid (Janyiff/Ravencrest) 202 ilvl and have 10/10N and 3/10HC.
I raided mostly normal and heroic back in MoP and Legion with my Shaman and Paladin (see raidhistory below). But this time I want a bit more of a chellenge in raiding.

Krazuul (ele shaman)

Baemane (ret paladin)

P.s. able to transfer/faction change


Hi there

Dont release is a newly formed cross-realm heroic raiding community with the long term goal of building a mythic guild once we have a stable roster. We’re planning to start raiding this coming weekend so I wouldn’t say mythic is in our near future but our core players do have mythic experience and are keen to get back to that. Take a look at our recruitment post here and let me know if you’re interested or have any questions :slight_smile: