LFG improvements

I see last time couple topics about solo queue for RBG. In my opinion it’s a one of the good idea. But, there is not all.

  1. Let’s say we have me: which is probably a bad player. I play as a Bear or Cat. And yeah, sometimes I do some mistakes and lose base, or something… but, not at all. But when nobody takes my base, even rogue and I call for help only once per 3-4 attack, and team lose… I’ve got a bad rating and also bad win-rate on some sort of websites like check-pvp. And after people wont invite you on RBG even if you are grown.

So, that a problem. Open statistics for arenas and RBG, it’s kind of a first thing which blocks people from progress. And this is important, cause if you failed in PvP you must do lot of PvE for gearing and only after that you can enjoy a PvP.

Or another example, playing as a Bear on Temple RBG, we lose not so hardly ~1430 – 1500. And I was as the Bear on 4th position by points. So I was good, also comps was good (this particular game, remember that) but we still lose.

Solution: hide statistics of games played or implement single player progress by getting some points. Show only CR and MMR

  1. link experience, filters.

When I do form the group I have only few inputs. Description, Voice item level. And I do the same as most people do, ask people link exp, note vers and ilvl. Also, I have words to say people in description. And these words always the same. And I don’t give szite how I can paste text which I prepare somewhere into description. The same with notes when I do apply to some team. Why do not create it’s more useful?

Solution: Create a templates/drafts of description and notes. Create a dynamically links for exp and CR. Add filters by CR, MMR (like with ilvl, just define minimum).

  1. Applying window.

Here is a some troubles to. First things first what I want this is when I hover mouse on some candidate in list to see his CR and MMR and ilvl. Is important information.

Second, I want have opportunity to block some roles. Like example I have already 3 healers and they apply more, that’s ok, cause probably I’ll find somebody better that I have, but if I won’t replace my healers, why I don’t have this button to disable apply for other healers?

Solution: add disable/enable roles to apply, show players stats by hover.


But of course according to point 1, I guess personal progress and solo queue is a best solutions which could be implemented atm. In my opinion.

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