Hi everyone, looking for active Guild ( New player friendly) for New/Noob player. I’ve played WoW in the past but I don’t consider it an experience. I have no problem with Aliance or Horde. I am active player.
About me
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Country: Slovakia
We are a small, but social guild looking for more ppl. We are on the Alonsus server. We have members from all over Europe, and you can read more about us here:
Veritas Alonsus - Casual gang looking for more
A fairly new (very new) guild that I’ve just created to have fun.
Now that doesn’t mean that’s all I want to do! The Guild’s open to literally anyone who’d like to join! My one stipulation is; be nice! I’m of course hoping to start a raiding team (could use with a raid officer), progress some mythics and have some PvP enthusiasts in there as well! If you want to join just for the sake of socialising? Come on in too, you’re welcome!
So yeah, sign up and come enjoy the game the classic way!