LFR and time gate

Can we stop give LFR two weeks in-between each wing Blizz? It’s not really needed given that by when last wing opens for LFR and surely mythic has already been cleared. And note: I am not saying open all LFR wings day 1 but rather wait a week between each wing. Week 2: Wing 1, Wing 2 next week etc. (Week 1 being normal/heroic release)

Waiting a full month for last wing is a bit overkill when the raid by that time has been cleared so many times already on the higher difficulties making LFR gear as good as worthless, as well one cant learn the base tactics for each encounter from LFR and rely more on the experience from the other difficulties.

Waiting a full month for LFR to release with the reason (what i presume) dis-enable the easy gear which would have made it easier in the higher difficulties. Aswell you have to run normal/heroic for the mechanics instead of rely on LFR. That is more reasonable than give LFR players the last wing when the raid has already been cleared on each difficulty so many times.

  1. You will learn next to nothing from doing LFR
  2. LFR is not a realistic gear progression path for most people who raid, even at the start M0 and M+ was much quicker way of getting gear’d
  3. There are no real mechanics in LFR, IMO just like Normal, if anything it would give you bad habits that would get you killed on Heroic/Mythic.

The only reason I would like to see it open is extra satchels / augment runes.

Finally they don’t want people clearing out the raid in LFR before people have a chance to do the real raid.

Note: I do not have any objection to LFR being in game, if anything it is overall a good thing.


I fully understand that, as i did already adress it.

[quote=“Salendina-argent-dawn, post:1, topic:22011”]
. And note: I am not saying open all LFR wings day 1 but rather wait a week between each wing. Week 2: Wing 1, Wing 2 next week etc. (Week 1 being normal/heroic release)
[/quote] This way people will still have cleared atleast heroic before all LFR wings are out making it redundant.

Just remove LFR cause it’s 1 of the worst features in the game.


No it isn’t. Most players don’t raid beyond it. It is essential for the survival of the game.

If the game depended on raiders for income it would be gone out of existence years ago.


That is only your opinion and LFR has been in the game for atleast nine years. If you don’t like it, don’t run it. Keep to the regular difficulties and let people do what they enjoy. If you have been able to cope with LFR for so long you can keep doing it.

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It’s not raiding it’s free loot for doing nothing, just like warfronts.


“Free loot” like normal and heroic dungeons then? That argument is very flawed as it could apply to much more than LFR.


Well normal dungeons are a joke and heroic is the old normal dungeon while mythic is the old heroic. Also you can’t just afk in dungeons like you can in lfr, cause it really doesn’t matter what you do in lfr.


That is the exact time when wow started to go downhill. I don’t want to say lfr was the reason, but it really is.

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“Wow started go downhill” like every expansion since the overglorified wotlk? That has been thrown around as much as the “The next WoW killer” regarding Wildstar etc. WoW is still going strong despite people whining about LFR, if you don’t like it, don’t do it. It don’t affect the higher difficulties a dang anyway. Give a real argument why LFR is bad instead of jump on the hate train with no argument.


And yet in the past LFR groups used to wipe so much that Blizzard implemented a system where the encounter got less hard over time. Of course the system wasn’t needed because even when everyone was AFK the bosses just rolled over and died.

I get your point you don’t like LFR for whatever reason it is but what is so hard about just ignoring it and getting on with your superhard content that the likes of me will never see or do?


I bet you don’t have proof that wow is doing great since Blizzard stopped showing subscriber numbers in WoD. What I’ve heard is ppl are unsubscribing from the game and friends lists going empty, but I guess wow is still doing great since you are saying so.


Yeah exactly that is ruining the game. Ppl can get high end gear without ever learning the game. The hardest mythic+ dungeons are 3-5 because players who have no idea if warrior is melee or ranged are getting into these runs cause they have high end gear.


I never said WoW is in a good state however it’s still one of the biggest games on the market. And the high end gear is total RNG, the gear in LFR unless you have TRULY good rng and get a titanforged, but the non TF lfr gear is still worse than the gear from normal and heroic raids. You can get better gear by doing warfronts even.

What high end gear? The last I hard LFR awarded ilvl 340 gear how does this even equate to ‘high end’ gear?

There is the exceptionally small chance that the gear will WF/TF up to the 390s but that is so slim that you’re never going to see these players in your M+/Mythic groups at all.

As to your pointless point about players not knowing if a warrior is ranged or melee please come back when you’re willing to stop making up nonsense.

edited for spelling


There we get to other flaw in the game which is titanforging and RNG. RNG is part of the game and should be if an item drops or not, titanforging should be removed cause a mechanic to overgear for content cause you can’t beat the bosses mechanics is stupid. Also the unstoppable flow of epics and 385 ilevel gear needs to stop cause the feeling of getting a good item is not the same if you get a good item every time you take a breath. Items don’t mean anything anymore the only thing that matters is the number like 350 or 385.

High end gear for mythic dungeons is like 350, so having item level 340 items from lfr instead of 310 from dungeons does make a huge difference in that case. This is cause Blizzard made it so you can’t put higher ilevel requirement in mythic+ retard finder, so ppl’s feelings wont be hurt cause the number required is bigger than the number in their character log.

Heavens forbid that people can get gear in raids even if it’s very dumbed down. Just because you have gear dosen’t mean you have the skill to play decent in HC/Mythic difficulties.

I wonder how the game grew anf survived b4 LFR then? It has only been downhill since the release of LFR