LFR and time gate

If anything the game is losing Heroic level raiders and not for the reasons you might think, like gear or LFR. The mechanics on raids now are so punishing that if anything they are becoming stressful, let alone the stress that is M+ if you accidentally drop your mouse during a timed run.

While I appreciate a good raid as much as the next I think that the one mistake by an individual leading to raid wiping mechanics are putting a lot of people off.

wotlk and everything before patch 4.3 would like to have a word with you.


I cleared everything out raidwise in WOTLK, and I can safely say that most people back then were looking at a new and shiny game in wow. Once those people realised they were being treated like scrubs gear wise they began to leave, especially when Cata dungeons required CC again.

In other words the player base has moved on, they did the leveling then, remember in WOTLK about 6m people joined, they had lots to do just getting to 80 let alone worry about seeing a raid.

you mean people realised that they have to work forward to get their gear was bad? I see where you are coming from.

Oh hell imagine a Dungeon requiring CC, imagine having Polymorph in the bars but not have the need to use it anywhere.

Yes because Old content was still relevant which is the problem with modern WoW. Everything is based on content on level 120.
People don’t care anymore about the leveling progress and blizzard supports this, which is one of many reasons why the game is declining in numbers since Wotlk.


last thing this game needs is LFR getting buffed.

I 100% disagree with OP


This isnt anything getting buffed, this affects no gear or anything, just that it’s released a little bit faster. Which affects non LFR players in no way as normal/heroic/mythic will still be prioritized.

We still have this, but on higher difficulties like M+ or Raiding.

It was relevant in so far as many were playing through it for the first time. I left 8 level 100 toons behind me in the US. 7 of them were leveled manually, one with a boost that came from WOD.

When I came here (EU) I just buy boosts to 110 for the classes I want as I really couldn’t face leveling through that content five or six more times.

if it opens faster you can get more of Afk gear because you can queue for it earlier lol.

Because people don’t want to sit through 119 levels of pure leveling. Back in WOTLK the cap was at 80 which only were only 20 levels above the vanilla cap but nowdays it’s another 60 you have to grind through and that can bore alot of people. And old content is hard to keep relevant when you roll out one expansion after another. They are still keeping it somewhat relevant via Timewalking.

I think you might what to look into the quote system, because that is @Cutiepie you are quoting but with my name on it.

Just noticed. Wierd, but yeah it was Cutiepie i quoted, idk why it chose you instead. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Not everyone is there to experience group findings and heroics and mythic raiding. Some people are actually just casuals who don’t want to talk, don’t want to learn mechanics and don’t want to be bullied by others. So they join an easy to play mode like LFR.

What exactly is the problem with an extra feature in the game? You don’t like it? Fine. Never use it. What will be taken from you if a random casual player decides to use that feature?

As for anyone claiming things got worse after LFR, or wrath didn’t have LFR and it was tHE BeSt EvEr or other arguments, Are you guys serious? You think LFR was the problem that lowered the quality of expansions? Giving casual players the capability of experiencing raiding when they never were or are capable of doing it is a bad thing?

You’re so In love with heroic? Go ahead. Do heroic raiding. Do mythic. Be world first for all we care. But nothing was taken from you with the addition of LFR. Learn to realize the problems in this game aren’t always any and all changes they made to make the game more casual friendly. Without those casual players, Wow would have died out years ago.


One of of the worst conversations i’ve ever seen in a thread.

Imo, this is the definition of the Community in a nutshell.

It is my dream to one day reach level 120 and get to run through this famous LFR, but until then I salute you, those brave souls who enter.

It’s always LFR caused it, pet store/blizz store caused it, pet battling caused it, tier in LFR caused it, LFD caused it, garrisons caused it etc etc.

I like LFR it means anyone can see the full storylines involved and not be reserved for just a raiding section of the playerbase.


Oddly enough, I don’t see many complaints about pet battles at all from that list of yours. I think it’s because, as opposed to the other features, pet battles don’t impact negatively on anyone’s gameplay in any way. If I don’t like doing them (and I don’t), I simply can ignore the fact they even exist (which I do) and never feel any difference, while someone that likes them can spam them forever if they wish. That’s not the case with the other things though.

You can ignore pet battles as much as you can ignore LFR.


Maybe, but judging by the reaction to it it doesn’t seem that way. It’s a far more divisive subject.

It is only divisive in so far as a small but very vocal minority of raiders are stuck in the past and it hurts their epeen that others get to see the content as well.


How do you know it’s a small minority or whatever you claimed?

I’m against LFR removal at this point, and my personal opinion on the matter is that while it might have been a bad idea to introduce it in the first place, it can’t be removed without further bad consequences. But I’d really like to know how you counted these minorities and majorities?

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