LFR and time gate

I’m not saying how you can’t do fine in the game without doing them, what I’m saying however is that they are probably the best source of azerite points for the week in comparison to the time required to do them in the game. So ofc the players which don’t have a lot of the time to play the game will do them rather than the other activities which require more time for the overall benefit.

I was speaking about the current LFR content, if people don’t like it they have plenty of other easy enough content from which they can get equal gear, and also they can test their dps elsewhere they don’t need to do it in LFR. And this expansion doesn’t have good looking tier sets for which people would go into the LFR, and even if it would have the people which would go for them just like those which are going there for gold or runes would be counted as occasional participants and not as someone who is regularly doing that mode.

Most people tend to like more the content in which they can participate than the one in which they can’t or we can say how they prefer to do it in the game, so if you would ask them would they be for such content in the game they would probably say yes on that question, they wouldn’t tell you how it should be removed.

How do you know that mythic +2 dungeons are most played in the game ? And the mythic dungeons are all the same more or less, or the idea behind them, they are all timed runs for which you need organized groups to participate in them, the players which wouldn’t have interest for them no matter are they +2 or +10 would obviously not participate in them if they don’t like them or if they wouldn’t be able through the progression in them get some of the best gear in the game which LFR doesn’t offer. The LFR is different from organized raiding in the sense how the players don’t need to have a lot of the time to participate in it, and it differs in that from the other raiding modes. I think how’s that just wrong comparison.

Let’s stop this here. As Puny said this has gone off topic.

He was very clearly trolling. And I’ve reported almost all of his replies in this thread because he obviously kept trolling. It’s very clear imo.

So taking his replies as serious replies is a mistake (again imo).

Meanwhile, back at the tennis …

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To get back on-topic. Regardless what are the people’s feelings towards LFR.

I believe this week “waiting” time is pretty much to encourage even the most casual of all casual John’s to at least try normal. And before the “I have 5 kids, 2 jobs,cant raid due to real life” argument is yelled. Finding a normal pug and perhaps raiding 1h-2hs once a week. Is not something which requires 3 evenings off for WoW like the most of the raiding community does.

1-102 one week-end with my hunter…

woltk 1-80 take 3 week…

Won’t reply about this comment, as it’s off topic.

It has to be to keep people subscribed for more than a month. Simple. You wan to gear efficiently and quickly - run normal and HC with a guild. You want to hope on LFR XForges - stay and pay until next tier. Shareholders must be happy from the income. Have a shop mount too, and another for a 6-month resub…

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I think you’re right. I have also been in guilds with players who refuse to do LFR until they’ve seen the story in what they consider proper raiding mode :).

Hmm, we’re going to have to get pretty deep into the maths to solve this particular question. Let’s see if we can make sense of the complicated equations behind this:

1 = 1
1 + 1 = 2

So if we apply this to the LFR situation… it turns out that keeping people returning for a patch subbed for two months makes them more money than having them subbed for one month.

By me own beard, I think we’ve just solved it!

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Hey maybe just maybe, some people who do LFR don’t necessarily do it for the gear but to see the content of the story locked within it and absolutely couldn’t give a crap about raiding in general !

Amazing right ?

If you are for the story you have to wait as Blizzard doesn’t have anything else for you. If you would see the story withing one sub month then there would be no more story to keep you for second month and so on. Many in game mechanics and game design are there to force people into playing over long periods of time to keep the sub rolling.

And LFR “to see the story” is a kind of weak excuse from Blizzard. You do it once and you are done. There is nothing more for you to do related a new raid tier that took a lot of time to make and is a milestone in an expansion lifecycle. Instead providing fun things to do for everyone they just “hey, have a LFR” and job finished. And some people will do it for the titanforged gear.

Right? :joy:

I mean, seriously, I think raiders are pissed because LFR took away all the people pressing for gear. I bet a huge % of the “old-time” raiders were doing it just to get a new shiny and since now we can get it randomly from almost every activity in the game almost nobody wants to do any harder stuff.

Shows just how much players care for raiding these days :wink:

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LFR is not raiding. It is sightseeing.

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I made a topic for the LFR and other things that are wrong in the game, since this conversation is off topic here. I have no idea how I’m supposed to share it but here’s a link for it How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game.

True but without it not many people will experience the lore and story of the expansion.

Might as well just watch it on youtube. LFR breeds laziness, it sets the bar below people’s feet and they still manage to go under it, for which they get Determination buff? That is just silly to a point when I start crying.
I did retarded amount of LFRs in Legion for the legos and I can’t believe the type of people playing it as main content… LFR isn’t WoW. It is an AAA type of gameplay where the game holds your hand and doesn’t let you ever get hurt, while showering you with rewards for doing next to nothing.


I knew you were gonna say that but the thing is i agree with you it does breed laziness and in incompetent mentality but what is the fun in watching it on yt when you can play it yourself wow isnt that kind of game where you watch others play it for you.That works for single player games and then you try them yourself.

But LFR is just that - you watch the people who actually play the game kill bosses for you. Because Activision exclusively put rewards for mythic raiders (augment runes) into LFR, so that they have the insentive to boost. Agument runes are a very scares resourse, used mainly by Mythic raiders, put into the most casual of casual content - LFR, Mission table and LFD. This is so high geared player can que up, artificially bumping up the success rate % of the lowest level content.
I can’t really think of another system in any game similar to this one. Where the game sends your massively overpowered character to kill rabbits.

Strange i have never view it the way you do but judging from your perspective then its true again elitist players boost you throu lfr content while you just follow.