LFR needs urgent upgrades / fixing

I like the core of your idea, but not the implementation. Yes to making old tiers matter. No to doing it with LFR. I’d love to see a progression system similar to what we had in TBC and classic: where each raid tier was part of gearing your character even at the end of the expansion.

Now, problem is, you can’t really do that with 4 different difficulties, which is why I’m an advocate for removing LFR and normal. Why those two? Because otherwise we will end up with too big of a gap between content. Normal and mythic are too far apart. Remove mythic and there’s no challenging raid content in the game left, so that is the only sensible solution.

Now, it’s not that easy to just implement this, even though it would be ideal. For example, mythic + gearing would need some serious tuning before it could happen. As in, the challenge and the reward should stay the same in a sense (difficult to explain, not doing it here). I know some people don’t like ideas like these because then they won’t see the raid, but I don’t understand what entitles anyone to see the new raid if they’re incapable of doing it. You can do it come the next expansion at the latest.

But it’s only a name. Call it normal and heroic a la Wrath days and it can be as challenging as heroic and mythic are these days and voila.

You’ll have probably killed raiding as I doubt Blizz will want to go back to the days where only a small proportion of the playerbase gets to see inside a raid. Oh and we’d be back to the good old days where if you come late to the party you have slim to no chance of actually seeing a raid as a lot of guild will either have already burnt themselves out running the older raids to gear new players or just flat out refuse.

It sounds good on paper but there were legitimate reasons we moved away from it.

Names are irrelevant, I’m talking about the difficulty of the content itself. Current heroic is a decent challenge and definitely not impossible for anyone despite people claiming so (a guild consisting of deaf people killed heroic azshara when it was current content!), while mythic is for more organized groups.

Also, I do agree with you that Blizzard is probably very reluctant to go back to those times. Probably because they want everyone to see the new raid since they need to milk every single drop of player interest with their “content”. That’s why we are seeing these repetitive and tedious systems such as AP and titanforging. Just leads to a pretty boring end-game, at least on the PvE side. It would definitely be more interesting if we were doing at least 2 tiers at the same time instead of just one. Though I think the gearing process just needs a huge overhaul in the first place.

I don’t disagree on doing a few less tiers but I think that there should remain a mode where players like me can actually get to see the inside of those tiers.

My work/life balance has never been such that I will ever be able to maintain a slot in a semi decent raiding guild as being away for 4+ months at a time tends to dampen peoples attitudes a little bit. Don’t get me wrong I have been in some great guilds with some brilliant guildies but who is going to just roll over and give over their raid spot to someone else?

The only time I ever liked pugging was the small mini raids back in TBC and Wrath as there is no way I am going to put myself through all of that if I don’t have to not to mention never being able to get into a position of outgearing the content like most PUG leaders want.

I am all for LFR, I just disagree that all the old LFR tiers should magically up their ilvl once the next tier is out like the OP wants. I also strongly believe that if we go back to the days of raid elitism (for want of a better word) like you suggest that will spell the death knell of raiding full stop. Blizz aren’t going to go back to the days where only a small percentage even got to see some of the content, no one minds content at a difficulty far above their level but not even getting the chance to see it is a step too far for people like me.

old tiers should drop same gear as M0s as well at least. or a few ilvl lower than current tiers.

Are you including older tiers or raids and dungeons in this too?

omg…normal dungeons got upgrade(400) hc dungeons got upgrade(415) what is your deal here? troll for the sake of troll?

No, I genuinely didn’t know. All you needed to say was, yes it would include older raids dungeons as some already were brought up to a higher ilvl (something that hasn’t been done in the past where instead new dungeons were launched with patches and the old dungeons retained gear and ilvl).

If this is the case then I cannot see any reason why they shouldn’t align LFR with the other instanced content of the same level.

And as you said to me in another thread I think you need to learn to read, this time as to what a troll actually is.


this for a 430 gear ? what is this game design?

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