LFR woes and fix

no its what we want in LFR where ppl of different languages are put together like in BG, stand in aoe, ignore mechanics, ignore chat, go afk midfight, are bots etc

It’s what you want but I am not sure it is the general consensus.

To be fair you can ignore all mechanics on azshara even on Heroic XD; It is actually way easier than doing the fight as intended, the only thing that needs to be done is decrees, one/two overloads and the myrmidon in phase 3 has to die, other than that is is actually just nuke the boss.

Yeah grats ur guild has good dps

Lfr doesnt

Not really we usually have 1-2 people who do like 10-15k in a 12 man group which is pretty bad, but yeah you gotta do something to make the boss fall over that is correct.

What boss are you wiping on that much?

Edit nvm I think you mean Azshara.

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I have embraced my inner Puny, thank you so much for leading the way.

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LFR is and should only be for viewing the raid as intended. Remove loot and make it fully easy, I’m okay with that.

I never understand this desire to remove loot. Loot is part of raiding, even in it’s easiest format. It doesn’t reward super amazing loot, but it has rewards none the less, just like any other content in WoW.


We talk about 400 ilvl loot. Why would we care people get that? Just let people enjoy their loot :slight_smile:


thx now fix buff stack and its best

The desire to remove loot is not solely because “omg LFR is too easy”. It’s to also remove one of the 4 raid difficulties away from the loot table.

Remove LFR and Shadowlands will be perfect.

Queues on both sides are near 1 hour atleast and yeah when LFR was ‘hard’ during MoP you could die, I tried to wipe in LFR (alts their legendary ring) during WoD and I never managed to die and I was trying. During Legion I only ever did Nighthold LFR because I wanted the hunter mog set, with just WQ/rep gear, prydaz, a dps legendary and LFR gear Varimathas wasn’t able to kill me fast enough so had to use the knife from IoT… No clue how you can wipe 10 times. This is a case of L2P. When people can’t even do the basic mechanics required to be able to kill a boss no amount of buffs will help.

I remember that on my hunter mog LFR set queues. There was like me and 2 others on adds rest always just tunel-visioned boss. reminds me of Dorumu LFR… I still hate people with how bad they are, how was it always a 1-shot but atleast 19/25 people died at the 1st maze?! The tunel-vision of Nazgrim just made me mad, adds > boss. The only mechanic that was still in aside from from don’t attack him while he’s in defensive stance. Yet he is the most nerfed LFR boss to ever exist, he had to become a training dummy because people didn’t grasp you needed to kill adds that were trying to kill you. Yes my HC alt runs went faster than a single or two LFR wings during SoO, it was so sad. But I wanted the rogue set so I had to clench my teeth and hold me back from ragequiting almost every group on Nazgrim. 1 kill of LFR Nazgrim took 1 hour and 13 minutes. Not for finding tanks, to get enough dps (not players but in raw group damage numbers) to switch from boss > adds. It was depressing to say the least.

You could say the same for mythic, they don’t need loot, it’s the prestige of killing bosses at that level. :roll_eyes:

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If it was up to me there would only be maximum 2 difficulties so definitively removing mythic and keeping normal - heroic but with the latter being slightly harder, but egh it’s not. However, the unreasonable argument you do here is that they don’t need loot to clear bosses but clearly they do as we have seen with gear comes skipping mechanics. It would only be logical in sense of removing any loot it would be from the bottom and not from the top. The average gear requirement to clear an LFR boss is a lot higher than the average gear requirement for a mythic boss.

The technology is there, what is not is enough raid participation to justify putting out a raid every 5 months. If this ever happens, then you should expect much less raiding content in the future. Unless, they decide to drop any other content and just make raids.

I’m glad they all give loot. Loot is part of doing content.

I have no time for elitist wanting to deny others access to raids or the loot.


People dont realise that when you LFR you will often encounter people who AFK during the entirety of the raid.
And because almost everybody does it, vote kicking people who only have DPS from auto-attacking the boss isnt possible.
And so youre stuck with low DPS groups and wipe up to the point both tanks leave and/or get Determination 4 at the very least.

Did someone login to your account or something and start posting? I’ve never seen you this unreasonable. Disagree if you want but that’s far from being elitist. Having less of an item level gap benefits everyone, from LFR players to Mythic(+) players.