[LFRP] Blood elf or Nightborne RP

Hello. I’m new to RP on AD and I noticed that the Horde doesn’t RP here the way it is done in the Alliance. Can anyone recommend a guild (preferably elf guild, but I’m not too picky) where I could play my nightborne or blood elf? Or I’d just like to know where people gather to RP on the Horde side.
I would like to clarify that I am currently a trial, but I am planning to purchase a sub soon.


The current fashion seems to be to make a void elf character and roleplay as a blood elf in Stormwind because this makes a lot of sense and clearly the RP nowadays is better than what it used to be.

On a serious note, here’s a quote from a supposedly active Horde RPer about the supposedly active Blood Elf guilds at present:


Basically, what Shogganosh said:

The Ashen have a strong blood elven/nightborne presence. Their GM is very chill and friendly. There is also the Grimtusk, the Blood Howl and the Bloodsong - military Horde guilds which welcome elves from all backgrounds.

Your best bet is the Horde discord. It is where RP Gatherings and Campaigns are advertised.

Lastly, for nightborne-only, there is the discord server I run. It is a place where people can go look for casual RP, create contacts with other nightborne, and you will usually find 1-2 events per month, even if I plan to keep it slow during summer.


Welcome fellow superior being :sparkles: All that I can say to begin with is that Horde RP is absolutely kicking off and it sparks only more joy to see more and more join in!
The list above provided by Shogganosh is to many’s confirmation very accurate at the current scene for Belf RP
Seeing my own ties with House Mournflame I’ll take it to surmise a little bit of our PoV from a member’s basis:

House Mournflame has it’s focussing eye on the supremacy side of Sin’Dorei lore as I feel it’s foundation, it is rich in taking a narrative-driven approach where the “Household” set up leaves an open field of avenues to peruse: from characters more on the diplomatic, research, combat side (Beside common eitquette this Guild is NOT heavy millitary!)
A lot can be reached if one makes the sacrifice… Like the ancestors before us

Which balances the Guild’s narrative campaigns with wide interaction of the surroundings in RP as a presence hoping to aim for longer term dynamics and interactions.
And from an OOC perspective: it is an environment with supportive and experienced Roleplayers that are just sweatshirt nerds enjoying this hobby.

Currently we’ve embarked on our first Guild Campaign to the Thunder Isle so our presence is missing from our beloved Silvermoon City :sparkles:
One of our further up coming initiatives is (All Horde - Event) Grand Thalassian Tournament 23-25/8 🏆 which, regardless of all the above is definitely worth the attendance! :sparkling_heart:


As Remethion has mentioned the Horde Community Discord is a good place to start and find RP. We try to get up any Horde events and advertise them so they’ve got a wider reach along with hosting weekly gatherings every Sunday ^^

We’ve also have a channel for guild ads, where anyone searching for a guild can see if there’s anything of interest for you

We’ve got a discord link in our forum post if you’d like to join ^^


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