LGBTQ+ and Ally Community

Yet another topic has been butchered by oppressive MGTOW mob. How very interesting.

I wouldn’t say that, to be perfectly honest. :woman_shrugging:

Are we also getting that pizza community or what’s going on?

Can I still join the pizza community if I like pineapple on pizza?

I like how some people are acting all cute’n’shizz about this. Well, let’s just say that it isn’t all as cute as you think it is… Plus it’s hypocritical to see.

And gay pride/black pride make a lot of sense, yeah? Why can’t straight white people feel pride about themselves?

You’re being pretty intolerant right now… :stuck_out_tongue:

When a gay guy does it: Oooh hahaha, it’s a play on words, how cute!
When a straight guy does it: Oh my God what a homophobe! Burn this heretic!

Give me a break…

That is a non-argument.

And yet when I propose a “Straight Pride Community”, people act like it’s an offense. Hypocrisy much?

Yeah, because that works so well, doesn’t it?
Back when Martin Luther King was doing his black protests, he wasn’t going around beating up whites or discriminating against them.
All the recent “Protests and Pushbacks” are doing is making normal people feel resentment, and actual bad people doubling down

[quote=“Thaladrin-earthen-ring, post:149, topic:98923”]
feminism is not about hating man, it is about gender equality[/quote]
Gender superiority* Fixed that for you, because that’s all modern feminism is; Wymun being superior to men. And don’t lie to me by claiming it’s not.

You can, like, just ignore them.

Then go to those countries and protest.

Well, considering how “Black Pride” seems to be perfectly okay, I wouldn’t have any doubts that people who are proud of being white are perfectly nice people

First of as a taco person i find pizza very offensive.

Secondly…Taco pizza?

Open a history book and think? Historical context is important.

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People needs to learn how to be respectful towards feminists and LGBT members. I’ve always been a feminist supporter, especially when they bend over I support them even more. The world is much more beautiful with its different flavours.

My tabard is purple btw, I support LGBT as you can see. I also have a Demonhunter its name is Pride.

#Pride #GenderEquality


It wasn’t me who initially mentioned it.

It’s ain’t my role to start it up.

Hmm…we’ll talk later.

Ok, I see your point on this, but I do believe that it was intended to be a joke and if it was a straight guy/girl who made it, would be seen as such.

Says the virgin.

People usually won’t be discriminated because of their sexuality when they are straight, you can’t compare the two things even if they are the same subject they have different nuances to them. That said if you do create such a community as long as you are respectful and don’t discriminate go ahead, but do take care you might attract the wrong type of people.

What if they are still too many and instead of letting the minority live they choose to not ignore and instead try to take them down?
That’s why we don’t ignore them.

Was already explained that that is a feminazi, not a feminist.
The feminist movement is about gender equality, it’s a fact, go read about it if you doubt.

How could you know, are you a prophet sent by God for us millennials :scream:

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It’s up to the real feminists to get this back on track now though.

I’ve tried, but been called everything under the sun by the PC zealots, ranging from “Effin stupid b!tch” to wishing death on me.

Just like the trans community with Jessica/Johnathan Yaniv, feminists must simply outcast the feminazis’.

I finally understand you, Blizzard moderators, why you instantaneously remove LGBTQ related content. I am sorry for any salty comments I have made about that to this company.

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A guy who praises his support for women bending over lose their confidence when they actually meet a very active sexy female.

Or when they barely get hit on.

And yes I am the prophet. You can go back to farming spare parts in mechagon now. Nothing to see here.

Pizza community maybe.

Ok Ok I’m out prophet :smirk:

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Out of the closet?

Welcome to the community. Have some beer. Guinness? Peroni?

And I think this is perhaps entirely lost on those making said comments.

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I find it amusing how people get offended by this post.

Referring to it as a way to be a “special Snowflake”.

This thread has zero impact on anything I am doing and most likely anyone else is doing too. So why is it so offensive?

Advertising a community for like minded people is great. Letting people know communities are out there for them is a good thing.

Fair play to the OP. Creating a positive community in game is a good thing.


Thank you for taking the time to create a community. We encourage you to use the communities recruitment section:

As this thread has veered quite off the original advertisement, and the behaviour of multiple individuals has skirted the Terms of Use of the forums, we’re unfortunately going to have to close it here.