LGBTQ+ and Ally Community

Nice to see a LGBT guild, where do i sign up?

oh wait … I think I am an allianceophobe so count me out…

especially gnomes (yuck)…

OP: I bet you are used to this sometimes, I think Shammoz advise is the one to follow here :wink:


Christ on a bike, live and let live people… :man_facepalming:

@OP - good luck with this venture :fist_right:


It’s hardly spam if they post it once and hardly discriminatory, OP didn’t say you can’t join if you aren’t LGBTQ+ after all.

The forums, however, could do without the homophobia.

Just let OP have his community and his thread to gain members because guess what? You don’t have to join it or look at it or acknowledge it and you can still get on with your game and your lives without being trolls. It doesn’t affect you in any way whatsoever!!! :open_mouth:


Homophobia? In what way?


Can I at least browse WoW forums without hearing about LGBTBBQ? Please?


You already shown before your sexism.
Now also the stupid way you think of the LGBTQ+ community.
What’s next, racism?

You barely post, but whenever you do so it’s always garbage, impressive.

Apologizes it’s just that I tend to get aggressive when I see too much stupidness.


Does it trigger you? I have some news for you then…


Popular topics always find their way, even to this gaming forum :slight_smile:

But this time, there wasn’t a debate… Nothing to discuss… Nothing to be angered by - just an ad posted in the wrong section :woman_shrugging:

I always look at posters before entering a thread, and always hover my cursor over the post so I get the first lines… I helps me from looking at flamable topics :wink:

Protects your sanity by avoid topics you dislike, and you’ll not be getting the amount of fire you’ll get from your comment - thinking is one thing, saying it out loud often comes with a reaction :slight_smile:


An LGBT bbq, now thats an event ripe for puns! :upside_down_face:

Can I come?


I don’t see the problem with the LGBTQ+ having a space for themselves. It’s not a case of forcing it down our throats. Of recent, the radicals who I won’t mention, who sought to exploit this community have been dealt with and removed themselves from the public view.

I’m just one who is very anti-feminist :woman_shrugging:

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No, I just don’t get why people think that focusing their entire personality on their sexual orientation is a good thing and, especially, why they think they should be applauded for it.


Oh my god this troll again. You dont have anything better to do in your life than accusing people of ridiculous stuff. My “sexism”… laughable. You sound triggered af, buddy, you know nothing about me so keep your mouth shut, troll. And excuse me for getting back to wow after a long time, and starting to browse the forums. Barely posting is always better than posting too much nonsense and living on the forums like you, trust me. So just for the love of god, get a life.


Looking at the mirror?

Regular ≠ not having a life.
Good old argument that if you dedicate time to something on the internet you don’t have a life, yawn.


I think we’ve got to look now and see the radicals who sought to exploit the community have been dealt with and we can finally move on. Now, being LGBTQ+ is being widely accepted because the radicals have removed themselves from public view.

Believe me, I’m conservative, through and through and I admit, their will be a negative stigma attached, but we must start looking past that.

Why is this thread still open and OP still not banned?


Has the OP requested applauses?
People base their personalities on whatever they want. On their jobs, on their hobbies, on their financial status. How does it affect you? Unless it’s triggering something internally, you wouldn’t even notice it. And you wouldn’t feel the need to actively click on the thread and then go through the lengths of writing the comment and the submitting it.

You would’ve just skipped it.


Keeps going the way it’s going, I’ll give it half an hour until it gets locked.


Because the OP has not broken the forum code of conduct. Obviously.