Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priest?

That is the wierdest combination I have ever seen.
Lightforged Draenei Priest shall never ever be a shadowpriest.

But if so then we can also get Draenei Warlocks/Necromancers!


Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priest only exist for terms of Gameplay but not for the Lore, they can’t remove a Class Spec just because that Race is X or Y :sweat_smile:


And what damage priest spec for LFD would be otherwise?

Discipline and Holy :tipping_hand_man: there is another choice for them

If they will increase damage, then sure.

And Undead is the other way around, Undead only should be Shadow Priests

But then again they can’t remove Class Specs because of Races who doens’t fit or not since that are part of Gameplay Mechanics


They could do this differently, like I saw in another game, tank/healer could sacrifice sirvivability/healing power in order to do more damage. For LFD priest, 2 specs, but also active racial that allows to sacrifice healing power for more damage power.

That sounds good and to make more sense for some Races but i doubt they have plans to do that, sadly :sweat:


It’s a gameplay mechanic, just as it is for velves.

Would you rather you be restricted from that spec, and have to deal with all the whiners on these same forums.


Yeah sadly Gameplay does have to come before lore.

Void elves wouldnt make sense not being able to be a Shadow Priest, as Shadow is now Based around Void

Lightforged draenei wouldnt make much sense not being able to be a holy/Disc priest…

so the alternate speccs kinda have to happen for the sake of gameplay, Limiting speccs based on Races would be considered horrific, although if they’d put in a Quest line to make these speccs fit their theme more i’d be defintly down for it (like green fire quest)

if we could see Shadow get a Questline to become a Avenger of Light or something with Light themed abilities for damage and see Void form become a Light form that’d be cool.

Nah~ Discipline is as bad as Shadow. Lightforged should not use shadow at all. Actually even holy is annoying with “shadow word: pain”.

The same goes for Void Elf but 180 degree

They should split this class into 2. 2 classes having 2 specs that share Class Hall and Covenant Abilities :roll_eyes:

(They would basically have to make one new spec. If they want idea then it should be cloth melee tank :joy:)

The LFD dedicating their life to the Light does not exclude them from using Void, only being infused with it.

You look at it as they’re using it simply as a tool to assert their dominance over it as a cosmic force, but they accord it none of the reverence.

I mean with Argus and their space faring the LFD are probably amongst the races who have a better idea of how Void actually works mechanically. But they’re using it to enforce the ideals of the Light.

It wouldn’t be the first time a group of religious extremists was a bit hypocritical in their method.

Same with Lightforged Death Knights.

That’s a actual thing? xD



LFD death knights are basically just normal draenei death knights with tattoos. They literally explode when they die so the reanimated LFDs are not infused with the light anymore.

Just like Undead holy or disci priests that’s just pure gameplay.

Lorewise undeads are SP, and LF dranei are holy and perhaps disci but that’s about it.

And why we don’t have “” void elf "(:clown_face:) paladins?

They just want you to play the master race, bimbo elves on Horde side.

:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: I won’t say anything more, that sums it up.