Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

And… Maybe they have better methods then just open transfer for short time window? This destroying guilds (when some guild members can transfer some not), also i noticed that when transfer opened it opened for both alli and horde (i have 2 accs, on alli and on horde, and can ensure in it that transfer was opened for both fractions). So… what is the point and how it helps maintain faction balance?

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Due to a stronger preference of Alliance transfers in Europe this next wave will be Horde only transfers, as usual likely for the next 1-2 hours, thanks!


Can you give us a number on how many have actually transferred, i really wanna know. Cause ive been grilling the Shop trying to transfer since the first time you announced this. How many have you actually let transferred (alliance players)

3 times

Not occasions, numbers of players ( transfers )

It is pretty clear that no matter where we go there will be an Alliance heavy imbalance due to the amount of players choosing Alliance. Since there is imbalance everywhere anyway there is surely no harm in letting all Alliance that want to move, to move.

Maybe then there is a fair fight between the remaining Alliance and existing Horde, on the smaller servers.

Opening for Horde only is a little strange, then all PvP servers will have even worse balance. Or are you just letting us Horde escape the slaughterhouse and hide on the PvE servers?

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bro the alliance needs server transfers more than the horde lol


Finally would have been on time to move some of my almost meaningless alts to my main server but then you block my faction :smiley:

Maximum empathies to the people whose mains are in dire need of this due to friends already transferring etc

The horde is not running away from the PVP. Lok`Tar Ogar!

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you snooze, you lose

Is the next alliance transfer then at 4am again?

There you go again with your nonsense comment. Just leave it…

Isn’t nonsense if it’s true

Gives us the next alliance transfer time please

So Blizzard decided to balance realms, meanwhile destroying guilds.
Thanks for this experience and let behind so many peoples on alliance side.

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you have had 3 and obviously since they are restricting it to horde only because too many alliance people have ditched their server which causes imbalance, are you clueless about blue posts or is it that dementia cropping up again?

“you have had 3” has to be the worst reply possible. Go touch some grass man and stop creeping in this comment section lmao


how many more do you need? blizzard doesn’t control your actions so why you taking your frustration out on them, it’s not there fault you can’t be bothered to wake up early or check the forums in general to see if they have announced the next transfer

Go touch some grass

and no that drug is illegal in my country but your very cool for bringing it up, at least I’m not an addict

how many more do you need?

That’s a really good question. I would like to know how many more opportunities there are for me as an alliance player to change factions. But unfortunately, the only way to find out is to perma refresh a forum post 24/7 only to find out at 07:30 that the last time was at 4 in the morning.

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Dude relax, atleast they could announce time window instead doing random. As we all know SOD is for average Joe’s not for hardcore players, who siting behind pc 24/7.
Joke company imo.

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