Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

This has got to stop

you didn’t like 11pm, you didn’t like 5pm, now you don’t like a morning time? you need to stop crying at blizzard and start waking up at better hours

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And you really shut get a job and a girlfriend, and see how the world is outside of your mom’s basement, where you can stay op all night.

A lot of players are in their 30ths, we have jobs and kids. so please try to understand other peoples living conditions before you try to be a smartass!

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Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers - #169 by Newhope-kult-der-verdammten sorry are you 80 years old and cant wake up before 6am or have to go to bed before 11?

there is no way your life is so busy you don’t have 5 minutes or less to click the free transfer, why are you even playing wow and arguing with people on the forum if your life is THAT busy?

you really must be a terrible parent if your prioritizing wow over family

where have i complained about 11pm and 5pm?
I think you are confusing me with someone else

then why you crying on the forum?

I apologize for not acknowledging your dementia you senior citizen here let me remind you

Love how you are just here to argue something that you clearly dont care about while also not reading, just trying to be outraged.

These ppl have a point, and sure they could get up at those times for 5 minutes, but there is nothing telling them in advance that they would have to get up.


you need to learn som behavior toward other people.

lol?“5am-6am” = 11pm, 5pm right… why are you even here.
You cant back up what you’re accusing me off.
The forums are here to discuss these matters, if you take that as “crying” thats on you kid

These ppl have a point, and sure they could get up at those times for 5 minutes, but there is nothing telling them in advance that they would have to get up.

sorry didn’t realise checking this thread when you wake up to check when the next transfer is was hard, my mistake

so tell me, when is the next transfer? Or is it to hard for you to check?

They have only announced 1 transfer, and that was 5am this morning.
The rest have been random.
You clearly do not care about this issue other than bashing others for raising concern, so just act your age and leave it

they are obviously trying different times of the day, we’ve had one in the early morning (4am) one in the evening (5pm) and one at night (11pm) do you really not see a pattern here? the next one they’ll probably do is noon-ish

The rest have been random.

you need to go back to school if you can’t see basic patterns

That’s not about exact time, it’s about very short window and if you wasn’t online that time then you miss opportunity to transfer, it shouldn’t work so. What is the point of doing so short windows? Maybe better to just say “We are opening transfer for a day/week” and open it for a day/week so all who really want can use this transfer?


you’re just an obnoxious person… gl in life with that attitude

What is the point of doing so short windows?

they have explicitly said in blue posts they don’t want people leaving on mass to maintain server balance and don’t want to upset months of server population balancing

I’m doing extremely well thanks for asking

Wasn’t asking, more of a suggestion to keep you from getting beat up which will eventually happen

so your threatening me? and no I don’t accept suggestions from clueless 80 year olds