Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Just do yourself a favour and report him :wink:
Then you go into his account and press the “ignore” button.

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again, it’s not random what don’t you get at basic pattern recognition?

we’ve had one in the early morning (4am) one in the evening (5pm) and one at night (11pm) and now at 2pm do you really not see a pattern here?

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I hope you joke here

Any chance of opening a window at a normal time? Most of the slots you have opened are in the middle of the night with no warning.

Im not staying up all night for this lol. Just give us warning of the times.

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Please share your wisdom. When is the next alliance transfer gonna be?

seems you need to go back to school if you can’t understand the schedule from the patterns they have released the transfers at


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In Order : 11pm, 5pm, 4am, 2pm

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11 pm would not follow your “pattern”. 4am - 5pm - 11pm - 3pm - 11pm

How are you guys still falling for obvious ragebait in 2024? Don’t feed the troll.

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I think the word you’re looking for is mentally unstable

are you stupid I just posted the order

we’ve had one in the early morning (4am) one in the evening (5pm) and one at night (11pm) and now at 2pm do you really not see a pattern here?

wasn’t in order nor I claimed it to be

so your pattern is 4 am - 2 pm - 5 pm - 11 pm on every day?

obviously i cant predict blizzard exactly i may be off by an hour maybe or they could release a “new time” best way to be notified for a blue post on this thread is to setup an RSS feed on your phone to alert you when a blue post has been written here, i suggest using wowhead’s RSS feed easily googleable and paste in the link of this thread to the filter

You use the word “obviously” when there at best only been “one cycle” with nothing confirmed to be the case for the upcoming windows — while being condescending to people who “don’t see the pattern”. It’s not surprising people find you unpleasant if you try to elevate yourself by putting people down to feel valuable.


then set up a discord Blue Poster bot on a newly made server made by yourself, turn on Mobile Push, configure the bot to filter Only this thread and setup discord to send you notifications to your phone when the bot posts a Blue post From this thread do I really need to spell it out for you

Due to alliance players left behind in the cold, would you open alliance transfers again?

Thanks in advance

Ignoring him makes the forum immediately much better.

Do it


Do you want to justify for being unpleasant by sharing your solution?

sure do

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