Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Psst, want to hear a secret? Blizzard’s throwing a midnight transfer bash! It’s a quick flash of fun, but shh, don’t tell too many people—it’s a sleeper hit!

Trying to transfer from Chaos Bolt EU (pretty much dead server) but no realms showing on transfer list. was it closed already ?

please help XD

midnight server time ?XD?

pls do it!

Anywhere between 02:00-06:30


I have to work 10 hours tomorrow morning and here I am spamming F5 hoping they would come to their senses and open it.

almost 24 hours since last transfer opening for allies ZzZzZ plz open soon…


probably time to start the coffee, seems like its gonna be a night

This really brings activity to the forum. Would be nice with a #Blue response to this.


summon garnethound

This feels hopeless for any Alliance wanting to get off a pvp server due to the faction imbalance atm. Keep getting told that I can’t transfer due to balance and then it disapears again. Any blue comment available on this matter?
I’m 20 years older than when I first played wow and kids/career/life are meaning I only get to play a few hours a week if I’m lucky - Would I be right in thinking this is a demographic Blizzard simply aren’t interested in keeping in the game? People with disposable income who barely cause them any server traffic? Or is it just the toxic sweaty’s whose money you want?
Pvp isn’t what it used to be when you’d get people to help and it would escalate into a massive war ss/tm style. Feels a lot like no lifers ganking lowbies 24/7, I haven’t even made it to 50 yet due to the constant corpserunning when I actually get an hour to play. I don’t understand the ‘fun’ derived from killing someone in 1 shot when they’re 10 lvls lower, ok, maybe once is fun, but the camping is incessant atm.
Rolling on a pvp server was a mistake in 2024 with the current playerbases attitude and my lifestyle, it was a mistake I unfortunately don’t have time to correct myself, I don’t believe I am the only person who hopes this isn’t the end of their season of discovery journey.



us is open. how is the status for eu?

Nothing here

dog-duduh :frowning: sadly

/2 WTB transfer from dying server :frowning:

Me too, but more importantly i just want it to be over so i dont have to sit here all day waiting