Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Imagine, being this old, to wait, like a lil’kid on christmas eve without santa without presents without milk without cookies without socks on the chimney. man…

This is a unprofessional mess.
The miscommunication and unfair randomness is just frustrating. Please blizzard, let people move if they want to and not let them play Roulette.


This is a unprofessional mess.

stop being disrespectful, blizzard have given players 3 attempts for alliance and 4 for horde to transfer at reasonable times of the day, even spreading out the times

the times they have released the transfers at are NOT RANDOM

here we go again, why have you not left yet.
You know nothing about respect, disrespect is your bread and butter

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Any day now…

Please open from Alliance Crusader Strike to Wild Growth EU. Thanks


Any sort of known timeslots we should F5? I am at work/with kids/doing chores and yesterday whole guild transferred. Do I need to take a vacation at work to be able to follow them? Even do not care if alliance/horde side is unknown.,just for sake of planning it would be great we know as on ashen/STV event the timetable.,classic Andy here :slight_smile:

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I had the same experience. I had my wife refresh it yesterday the whole day only to face it at 4pm that alliance cannot transfer anymore :slight_smile: My whole guild is on another server now, I am at my 4th ticket to them without getting an actual answer. Rough time for us casuals :slight_smile:

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It’s rough for everyone, we’re still 2 people stuck on chaos bolt here aswell.


been awake for over 27 hours now, just to keep wathcing for a damn transfer opening. used my phone as alarm every hour this night, in hope of a transfer chance, but apperently none came for allie’s, wich is sad that for over 27 hours there have been no chance for allies to trade again last time was from 04.30 to around 06,00 yesterday and to get people to watch and press f5 for over 20 hours without anything is just playing with your customers in a bad way


you’re stupid, setup your phone to send you a notification when a blue post has been posted on this thread

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This is number one BS, lets be honest you have killed the original smaller pop servers with this.

And you cant even leave unless you stay up all night and keep checking.

Total joke.


What the hell are you doing with this braindead idea.

You have killed off all the lower pop servers, no one wants to stay on the sinking ship.

But good luck! You cant even leave to join your guild unless you stay up all night and we decide to open the transfers at 1am.

What kind of dumb idea is that? Its so insanely anti customer and just outright stupid.

If you want to play with your friends and guild you have to stay up all night refreshing a page and hope you get lucky!

Utter stupidity.


Utter stupidity.

your utter stupid for not getting blue post alerts sent to your phone

When the game itself begs you to stop this crap instead of your mother

You have severe brain damage or at least severe personal issues.

Please seek help.


why because I suggested a good solution to your problem? ok dude

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This isnt news to anyone in this thread, report him so we can get rid of him


Could a faction transfer option be considered alongside the server transfer?

I wouldn’t care about switching if it meant I could play when I want and kept your balance happy.