Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

why they close the transfer for both factions than?

My guess is server is full already

Any response from blizzard maybe?

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Good luck with that :wink:

No, you can create new characters.
Blizzard’s concern is that the PVP servers are imbalanced, as it seems almost only alliance transfers.
Strangely enough, is an EU only problem, because on the US servers and I quote the Bluetracker from today “movement from both factions has been roughly equal.” .

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Guess why is that. On Living Flame, the biggest EU server, Horde is 1) slightly more popular 2) far more aggresive in open world PVP. Makes sense people dont wanna have their gameplay disrupted 24/7, myself included

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I should rephrase that “in regards to full concerning the use of free transfer” since that’s what we’re doing — not necessarily that the transfers would lock a server up, which I assume you mean. Since it’s been about 35h if I’m not mistaken since the last alliance window; how would you explain the long time period which is unprecedented?

Merging Chaosbolt + CrusStrike would make it 1 big server close to what Livingflame and LoneWolf are… with roughly 10k ppl each side

Why is there a need to balance a PVE server? there is no pvp involved right? why do blizz has to try to fix something that needs no fixing… and in the process dooms this already smaller servers to become even smaller to a point which makes ppl question why they are paying to play a game…

to late for that, both servers are semi dead

they are roughly with 2.5k / 3k ppl on each faction atm… according to ironforge
merging them before this nonsense pvp to pve would have made more sense.

I am still trying to figure why is there a need to balance factions on a PVE realm, where there is no faction pvp

@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles]@[Fwoibles] Give us some damn info!

No one balances the PVE server. They balance PvP servers from which people transfer characters to PvE servers.

Chaos bolt at least was fine and needed no balancing… 60/40 (%) horde/ally is healthy enough
Now its 50/50 but its down to 2.5k on each faction

Yes but we don’t know the current population of Chaos Bolt.

But people are leaving the server and upsetting the balance, which is why only the horde was allowed to use it at the last transfer.

but they are leaving because blizzard decided it needed balance when it was fine as it was…

Are you trying to say that transfers started in the first place because of balance? If so, no that’s not why.

No they allowed it because PVP got so out of hand people wanted Pve server more than ever


Those numbers are almost two weeks old, before the transfer windows where a thing :slight_smile:

Pls stop ripping guilds apart blizz