Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

then WB to the shiitshow :joy:

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I have not even checked yet, server is dead completely? Alliance side I mean.

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Yupp, there is not much left :smiley:

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open up transfers for alliance again please!!
wanna join my guildmates
(Crusader Strike EU to Wild Growth)

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Just stop the subs , donā€™t give any more money to those ā€œBakersā€ā€¦worst support in every gameā€¦


Would appreciate a response from Blizzard. Is it over for us alliance players? Reroll or stay on what feels like dead servers?

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Sameā€¦ I would like to know whats the next stepā€¦


ā€œWeā€™re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Mondayā€

Fingers crossed


They didnā€™t say which Mondayā€¦ soo

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ā€œHey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. Weā€™re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.ā€

Itā€™s self explanatory

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How observant of you!
Its monday, thats why people are waiting for a update :person_shrugging:

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No need for the sarcasm, the gentleman above my comment looked confused about what monday. And yeah thats kinda obvious


Keep in mind the dev team is in the US. If we get any updates it will probably be during their office hours, so during the evening for us.


That explains the insensitive hours we got the transfers


I am pretty certain that should the situation become really bad, they will open more transfers. Also yeah, they have not said ā€˜there will be no transfersā€™, just not that particular weekend, just have patience fellas.

But they said on Twitter:
EU Alliance did show a significantly higher rate of transfers than Horde, in the US transfers were almost identical per faction. If we open additional FCMs in EU its likely they will only be for Horde (the last wave was also Horde only).

there will never be 50/50 people online at all times, so ā€¦ y

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There has also been a lot of backlash between that statement and now, though.

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yes pls open and say when. itā€™s our last chance to continue play wow sod

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Im curious what they base the numbers on.
They said they couldnt distinguise accounts vs alt characters transfering at first.
So is it 50/50 counting every account, every character.
And as i said you will never see the whole server online at the same time anyways.

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