Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Monday 3 pm still nothing from the blue guys …

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ofc not, they post something in 12 hours, when 90% of EU is asleep, where they will give us a 5 min window to transfer, otherwise we are stuck xD


awww damn your right …
just forget that they are so busy that they cant respond earlier then 3 am CET XD


I wish I had the patience that the blue guys seem to want us to have xP

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well its still early in the morning at us time zones so we wont hear something from them till late evening in EU


I knoww :weary: And yet, I have had this tab open for like 5 hours now xD Just in case lmao


Good Morning Blizzard, time to wake up and open the god damn transfers for alliance again please!


Hello here is the tscherman Dragon lord please also Bidde öffnen sie ezalla die Server


Petition to make Blizzard rename themselfs to Disrespectful Inc :smiley:


When you realize its only 8:30am in California -_-
We’re in for some long hours boys


I fear so too.
It will probably take a few hours for the trainee to run to the boss and discuss this bs… hopefully we get an answer before lunch break…

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Work day starts at 9 probably, takes a half hour to get settled in.
starts real work at 10, lunch at 11 or 12. We’re doooooomed

They said they will not open transfert for alliance anymore it will be only for horde and for a short period. Don’t hope too much if you missed the train.

Hope is all we have in this sh*tty situasion

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are you sure you are a tauren and not a troll

Can we get some updates now please, clock is ticking and people have work in the morning

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prolly after midnight so everyone will be sleeping , like the transfers they did

Can’t wait for the update saying:
We’re gonna have to think about the server situation for another week the damages are more severe than we thought, and we also need to gather more data regarding the pvp situation.
We also need to review if SoD should just be cancelled all together.


If i sleep past one more transfer i dont what i will do.
I’ve played and payed for this game for over 15 years. I think some respect should be shown towards players. Getting AI messages in ticket and GMs with 0 power to actually help is heartbreaking


they will prolly post a auto msg that says to visit wowhead for solution :joy:

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