Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

they did say this in a twitter post hes not trolling

All my guild and friends transferred and I was at work !! please let me transfer


I have the exact same issue with my guild!
Please Blizzard help us play with our friends and guild back again!!


10am in california now.
getting closer and closer to bedtime here -_O


@Blizzard wake up… its time to take action

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Grab your coffee lads, set timers for 11pm, 4am and 5am. Though I say there is a high chance they won’t announce anything today, there isn’t enough of us stuck in this situation for them to give a damn about.


open the transfers


Let me try to speak their language: “Blizzard, I’ll resubscribe if you update us on what will happen next. I’ll resubscribe on all three of my accounts if you open up the transfers again! Thank you!”


This start to be a joke, no respect for their customers.

Chaos bolt is a destroyed server.

countless people are left behind there guilds and have no chance of uniting with them from all over.

The developers most know they messed this one up BIG TIME!
Now it seems like they’re trying to hide in the hope that we’ll solve it ourselves. If it had been phase 1, maybe we would have just rerolled, but now we’re too far with our heroes to do that.


Still no info about this yet? Do we have to wait until 3AM for a reply because blizz only deals in America time? Where’s the EU love?


It is not a joke, jokes exist

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Blizzard doesn’t care about EU, plus the mess only happend on sod eu servers, us servers are still balanced. I doubt they will open transfert for alliance on eu again but you can still dream of it.

But they do care about money, unsubbing makes them panic


Will you really unsub and “destroy” all the time you have invested in your 50 char(s) ? I think Blizzard is fine and won’t loose money on this, they got you by th balls.


BLIZZARD PLS Let me escape from CHAOS BOLT EU or just merge entire realm with LIVING FLAME

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It’s the only way to make them notice anything.
They rarely if ever answer on forum posts, web tickets are a freaking joke there’s never any help.
So the only way to make it hurt is kicking them in the moneybag

There is nothing to do on a dead server, so the few that is left will be forced to stop playing


OPEN THE F*** TRANSFERS I was not even able to put together 5man Maraudon for scepter on Chaos Bolt EU - HORDE!!! Thank you for this multiplayer experience we ahve right now!


You can either wait for a miracle or start rerolling on LF or WG (or unsub).

I’ve already leveled up and fully geared my alt character on WG.
But you have to admit that leaving behind a character you’ve play so many hours on because blizz cant do anything proper is frustrating.
And what if this crap happens again, we’d have to start all over once more.
This is no fun, and thats not how games are suppose to be