Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Transfers are up!!! everyone gogo!
Hurry up

They messed up big time by not monitoring this free transfert move and now WG and LF are unbanced. Be honest with yourself here, do you really think they will double down on this and open the gate again to make this mess more messy ?

Without a single announcement i might add, just luck…

no time for jokes

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its not, im transfering now

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i wasted 3 weeks to farm epic dagger from Fel Scars

transfers are up for chaos bolt and lava lash because there’s realm consolidation going on, but what about the countless guilds on living flame that have been damaged by this terrible act of transfers?

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What the actual f?
Ignoring Crusader Strike, good f job

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Im holding my breath i bit. last time the crusader strike window opened after the others.

ok no pvp server. i’ve just choosen PVE because i would have deleted wow otherwise

Please open CRUSADER STRIKE EU for transfers THANKS


Hope they do. As you, I got friends left behind.

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I wanna to go Wild Growth but Im stuck on Crusader Strike


Lava lash and Chaosbolt are locked ?


transfers are up!!!

Why are there no transfers for crusader strike?!??


We want to tranfer from CRUSADER STRIKE ASWELL!!!


They might open them in a bit, if they use same windowstructure when i transfered

They really don’t have me by the balls. I can walk away at the end of my time left, no worries. Either they sort out this shift or they will lose me. Of course they’ll lose out on potential money as they’ll lose sub(s) as I’m sure i’m not the only person who thinks this way.
I understand people who have been left behind and are anxious and angry. But if you know blizzard, they’re about money. Having people rot away and lose subs because of a dying server doesn’t serve there best interest. As shiitty and unhelpful as the customer service goes, they do care about themselves, so i’m sure it will be resolved soon enough


No they are not?