Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

“… any sign of risk to balance”. So you don’t care at all about communities, guilds, humans. Just your dumb balance.

Your actions do not have a single thread of logic in them. You created SoD for “dads” like me who played 15+ years ago and now have families, obligations, and a small group of friends they want to play with.

Then, you screwed us over with changing from 10-man to 20-man. Do you even have an idea what social playing is? A guild made by friends and you think we can just merge no problemo with some other small guild and we’ll be happy about your change?

Now, you screw social playing even more by, literally, splitting up guilds and groups of friends depending who is lucky to move where and when.

For the sake of “balance”.

You know, perhaps you should hire someone who understands that it’s humans with emotions and social connections that play this game. Especially this version, which is not mass-made like retail.

Just FYI, transfers are up from Lone Wolf PVP to Wild Growth PVE!

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You should have gone to the PVE server right away, instead of sitting and crying now

I just did Crusader Strike to Wild Growth, I’d get on that if you haven’t yet.

Thanks for adding Wild Growth as a destination realm from Crusader Strike Blizzard!

i’m trying from living flame atm is not working, but i have the transfer bubble always on cuz i bought the transfer a month ago and can’t use it

So we wanted to go from CS (EU) to a PVE realm, our only option yesterday was LL, so we went there, to realize now that the realm kinda dead. Now there are transfers to WG available, this feels kinda bad, i wish we could undo our transfers or somehow get to WG, even if we have to pay.

You meant the transfer token? That’s right cuz you can’t use paid character transfers on Seasonal realms. Since you said you bought it a month ago I don’t think you can request a refund anymore.

The FCM window can open and close very quickly, best to check again later!

yes i mean the paid transfer , u can buy it , but u can’t use it .
it just stays there , i got it cuz i misread the limitations and tought were only related to transfers from pve to pvp like all other servers

I just checked a moment ago and I still have the option to FCM a toon from Living Flame PVP to Wild Growth PVE.

the token is not working i’m trying as we speak from EU

living flame —> wild growth



I have factually made a toon, and used a FCM from Living Flame PVP to Wild Growth PVE and it is working 100%.


Please utilise the first option of the row to free transfer off the realm and not your paid character transfer.

ok that works … from the token directly wasn’t working . thanks

Just started the transfer of 2 characters from

Lone Wolf → Wild Growth

it worked and its up acutally

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Transfer safely, it is an one-way no refunds or reversals free ticket out. Happy gaming!

Hi, I tried to transfer from Chaos Bolt to Wild Growth, my alts all went through, but my main needed to wait for a mail 30mins… now my alts are all transferred and the “transfer” is locked again… so my main is all alone… RIP

Please can you make the windows just a little longer and maybe announce how long they will be open?

Or if you are so kind, can you move my main Vaelkyr across too <3
(GarnetHound // Blizzard)

(Could not stop the transfer of alts once initiated, so came back after the mail came through to transfer my main and it is no longer available, even though I now have characters on Wild Growth anyway).

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Hi there, Can we cancel (manually in game or in the website or with a request online) a transfer ? I put character from Chaos Bolt to Wild Growth but dont want it finally. Thx in advance

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Have the FCT option in store… No realms available. Great.

Do we think it will open up again? I only just saw this and wanted to transfer

It will likely open again, randomly for brief transfer windows.

All transfers are final and irreversible. You could ask, but I sincerely doubt they will honor it and what if you got second thoughts again after the next time? Hm.

As announced here, it will be random and not announced in advance. There is no guarantee of you being able to transfer and they will not honor on request based transfers outside the free transfer window.