Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Half guild stuck on dead server now.


It is worth posting in hope they understand the issues we face when things are ā€œrandomā€. If the devs read the forums and take our feedback, there is hope people can cancel transfers, or reverse if they only get to move a select few characters, or half the guild miss the migration due to this strangely arranged ā€œrandom timingsā€.

We canā€™t all sit and refresh our screens, we have work & this is a game full of dad gamers.

At the moment our guilds are split, and in my case (surely others) half characters moved and half stuck.

It might be our own fault, it might be blizzards fault, I donā€™t want to point fingers. But only one of us can fix these issues. Else we have to level again or quit.

I know blizzard have good intentions monitoring server health and such, but more harm is being done than good in splitting our communities. If people want to move with their friends then let them.

Faction Balance, Server Health, are all fine to consider, but our communities are surely more important. You can always merge dying PvP servers later. You will get the same inbalance if people are forced to quit or level up again on the new server due to the split guilds anyway.

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Yep, my guild members managed to transfer while I was driving home from work. Living the dream right.


My friend transfered, my horde alt had to wait on a mail to arrive/error, and now i cant join himā€¦

Always fun when u get home from work , and all friends changed servers now im stuck on a dead server whitout friends to play with , And no guarantee that i can transfer in the near future
Great game
Not so (world) of warcraft :sleepy:


If only you actually read, youā€™d have known that I am on a PvE server. One that has 300 active accounts only on horde side. Dead. Utterly dead.

guessing ur playing on Lava lash
Funny thing is that free transfer doesnt even work to Lava lash even if only has 300 active account horde side

Is there a way to know when these windows open? Iā€™ve been trying to transfer from Crusader Strike since Tuesday but havenā€™t had any luck

Yes, Iā€™m stuck on Lava Lash :(ā€¦ If you get a transfer open to Lava Lash, DO NOT TAKE IT. Seriously. DO NOT. I canā€™t find a Feralas/Hinterlands incursion group. Can barely find Ashenvale incursion groups for alts. Regular Mara/ZF runs? Forget it. Only some Princess runs here and there. Gnomeregan today searched 1 hour for a tank. BFD: no chance in hell. Less than 10 raiding guilds in total with most of them filling up with randoms to be able to do 20-man. Weā€™re barely managing to fill 20 man (weā€™re one of the few lucky guilds that has barely enough members) and recruitment is pointless.

DO NOT COME TO LAVA LASH IF YOU HAVE OPEN TRANSFERS HERE. You will cry. BTW not much better alliance-side where I have friends.

Oh, youā€™re on LLā€¦ I hope they merge you with Wild Growth

I donā€™t think they will do any merges to be honest. A merge is difficult cause there can be character name conflicts. More likely that they would do what they just did with WoTLK and Nethergarde Keep / Hydraxian Waterlords ā†’ free transfers to other servers, and if you donā€™t take one, you will be moved randomly after some time.

But weā€™ve been shouting about this for ages now, and it seems to be ignored, so honestly I donā€™t believe they will ever do itā€¦ They just donā€™t careā€¦

I hope transfer open cause else im done with this game


Same , playing a MMO whitout anyone playing with sucks .
Either they open it for all or they will loose players .
Most of us that playing SOD are middle aged dads with jobs.
We cant be online 24/7 and wait for random transfer


Are you now telling me they opened to trasfer from CS to Wild Growth after all? I panick transfered to the empty RP server as that was the only option at first. Great jobb on this one Blizz

yep, same boat here our group of 5 looks like this: 2 panic transfered to LL, 3 missed the first round and got to go to WG instead, 1 of the two on LL decided to not log in until it gets fixed the other one is leveling a fresh char on WG losing all progress made. LL is just not bearable and i hope for everyone beeing stuck on that server that they open tranfers to WG.

Absolutely guttedā€¦ Might aswell cancel the sub on my 3 accounts.

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my sub is already cancelled as well

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I donā€™t get it Blizzardā€¦ Why not let this solve itself naturally?
Just let everyone transfer as they feel like (except from a high faction server to another server with a high faction).

There are two main issues:

  1. Faction imbalance
  2. Low population (regardless of faction imbalance)

Here are numbers from warcrafttavern
Living Flame: A: 30k H: 13K
Lone Wolf: A: 32K H: 13K
Wild Growth: A: 23K H: 5K
Crusader Strike A: 12K H: 5K
Chaos Bolt: A:7K H: 3K
Lava Lash: A: 1.5K H: 500

Obviously Alliance seems to be much more popular overall, so why not just let all Horde chose whatever server they want to transfer to (excluding Lone Wolf & Living Flame). Faction imbalance is not such a big issue on pve servers, so thereā€™s really nothing to worry about.

This will solve itself naturally, right now you are just shotting blindly in the dark hoping to hit the right solution but in fact you are not.

You know, I just transferred there (Horde).
And if ppl join it wonĀ“t be ā€œdeadā€ :wink:
We have the chance to get new life there. But even a ā€œnearly deadā€ PvE server is better than this griefing crap on Crusader Strike.

I dont think those numbers are correct at all tbh.
And faction imbalance doesnt matter for Pve servers, which there should atleast have been 2.

Sick of checking in for hours and hours seeing if the transfers will be availible, actually slept through the one today. Itā€™s so dumb