Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

What does the PVE server have to do with it? This is about the balance of the PVP server from which you plan to transfer your character.

This is utter insanity and shows how incompetent and helpless Blizzard is once again.

You either have to camp the character selection screen and hope to god that they will open the transfer for an hour and you will catch it, or you are forever stuck in a dead server with no guild or anyone to play with.

Itā€™s all down to your chances and the thousands of hours that you invested into your character is just worthless if you miss the 1-hour window.

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I dont give 2 s*its about pvp servers.
world pvp was nostalgic in vanilla classic, here it doesnt really work.

my sub is already cancelled as well

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Transfers are open once again, and again likely for the next 1-2hrs.


Thanks for this, I managed to haul butt and get the ball rolling <3 /hugs_

Oki, this need to STOP!!! this is happening for a limited time in the middel of the NIGHT!!! Chaos-bolt is a dessert, and us normal working people have othere obligations then sitting and waiting for a post that you have a nexts to no time to react to, we canā€™t just be online when evere you like it.

Chaos-bolt need merge/free transfer at this point.!!

Please have the normal casual players in mind, donā€™t let this be the nail in the coffin for us. :,-(


Blizzard at 5 am in the morning: Here is a Server transfer guys

Aaaaaaand itā€™s gone


What a wonderful time to do itā€¦


Just embarrasing timing. We all pay a subscription to access this game and you open up a limited feature at 5 in the morning. Some of us got kids and jobs, we canā€™t watch this post 24/7. Show us some respect.

There just has to be a better way to do this.


By enabling War Mode like in retail.
Tried changing this on trinitycore for classic, took around 4 hours to implement a button that disables pvp only in og and sw. It just breaks all pvp flags

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This is just a feuture you get for free on a pve server. Wouldent count on it for blizz to enable it on a pvp server in classic

Im sry what is your problem???
This has got to stop


You guys are aware EU uses different timezones from the US, right? Itā€™s like youā€™re going out of your way to pick the most inconvenient timeslots. So far weā€™ve had 1 reasonable time, 1 very short opening at midnight, and 1 in the very early hours of the morning.
Itā€™s ridiculous, people with normal working lives who canā€™t keep track of this thread 24/7 will get left behind on servers they donā€™t want to play on, and most likely quit.


Sadly I think this is literally their plan to stop a stampede of people leaving PvP servers. 4-5am UK time was an absolute joke. Refreshing this forum thread in the hopes I catch a short window is beginning to wear thin.

Blizzard going out of their way to be obtuse because they know what will happen if they open the floodgates.

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Can confirm EU chaosbolt is just 2+ hordes ganking (sometimes camping you) non stop as soon as you leave your city/town, itā€™s unbearable and unbalanced.


Life on wild growth is nice, no one ganking.
And it is almost as nobody play rogues there

The timing is seriously dumb. Even more dumb is to keep it open for 1-2 hours. I literally have to keep checking this window every single hour just to not miss a transfer. Yet I have missed it by 1 hour in the morning againā€¦ Incredible.


its the same for Horde and alliance on this server. The server is dead and sometimes people are camping others.
It would be awesome if we would know the timeslots before they nearly ended. Maybe also not 5am. Something like 6pm-10pm would be nice.
I can understand that its different for Living Flame and Lone Wolf because they want to keep it balanced. But you cannot balance a dead server like Chaos Bolt EU.
This nice way of offering FCM is already destroying guilds and making people quitting the game.

Luckily i got through, but this is such a horrible way to do thisā€¦ the least you could do is give people a warning on twitter 1 hour before so guild can help each other coordinateā€¦ People are having to sit glued to their screen to follow their friends and guildsā€¦ absolutely sh*tty way to treat your community