"Lines will be redrawn"

Imagine that this expansion ends with the literal faction lines being redrawn. A lot of previous alliances will be ended and new partnerships will form.

Imagine that there’s a new horde and a new alliance. With all the currently available races and allied races, how would you divide them up into two new factions and why like that?

For the purposes of balance try to put same number of races into either factions

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Faction 1: Void Elves

Faction 2: Everyone else.


Forsaken as faction 3, or maybe part of faction 1. Otherwise agreed.

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Void elves go away

Also give tribal spiritual horde back…

Give night elves more badass attitude, like wc3, but not defection

That’s enough


I could see it being like this.

Faction 1: Goblins, forsaken. (Goblins have no moral qualms)

Faction 2: Humans, gnomes, dwarves.

Faction 3: Night elves, blood elves, nightborne. (reunited elven empire)

Faction 4: Orcs, trolls, tauren. (Old allies stick together, as with faction 2)

Faction 5: Pandaren (Tushui, Huojin and neutrals united into a new empire)

Faction 6: Draenei of all kinds (hopefully broken as well - smallest faction)

Unsure of where to put worgen honestly. They would probably tag along with the night elves?

Void elves would hopefully be destroyed but as that is unlikely they could tag along with the forsaken due to their similar moral outlook.

The demon hunters would be in the elf faction but you could have some juicy plot drama where they are mistrusted there and some are tempted to join faction 1 instead where no one cares about fel.


An old one I did back in october, not that far off yours tbh:

The Shining Armada - Draenei, Lightforged
Azer’dorei - Night Elves, Nightborne, Blood Elves
The Horde - Highmountain, Tauren, Darkspear, Zandalari, Orcs, Mag’har
Pandaria Shogunate - Pandaren (both Tushui and Huojin)
Nuts’n’Bolts - Goblins and Gnomes no I didn’t have a good name for this one
The New Forsaken Empire - Forsaken
The Three Hammers - Dwarves, Dark Irons
Grand Human Alliance - Humans, KT, Worgen
Something something Telogrus - Void Elves no I didn’t have a good name for this one either


I feel like if you should split up dwarves, gnomes and humans from each other, the trolls should also split from the orcs.

I kinda feel that’s unfair to goblins. They’re multifacetted creatures after all.

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I can see worgen going with night elves, Genn even defied Anduin to go help them in Darkshore.

You could feasibly have goblins go into a civil war that sees them split in half, letting them be either with the orcs or the forsaken - the ‘only profit, all the time’ goblins vs the ‘even I have limits’ goblins.

Need big ol’ airquotes around that considering how it all washed out. They were back in Stormwind faster than an elf falls to a new variety of dark magic (which is pretty fast).


Yeah, they definitely exaggerated the supposed split between night elves and humans. It lasts about five minutes.

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United under Elune, - my dream awaits for that day of the return of the Elven Empire. :last_quarter_moon_with_face::crown::first_quarter_moon_with_face:

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I believe there’s a serious possibility we will end up with “PvP factions”.

Basically, the Horde and the Alliance will remain and strike a permanent peace truce, while new factions will emerge, whose members will consist of those who have oppose peace and have hostile motivations. War Mode will basically be your way of “opting in” to the PvP faction, or back to the PvE faction (the PvP and main faction would not work together, but not be hostile to each other either). Storywise, PvE (as in raids etc.) will be from the main faction’s perspective, while PvP will be from the splinter faction’s perspective.

All races would be represented in the PvP factions, though I imagine each race will lean towards one of the two. Nelves would for understandable reasons mostly join the PvP faction, though some of the more druidic/neutral/peace-loving types might stay in the main faction. The same would go for Forsaken, for instance.

IF the factions really do experience major changes, I think it’d be either something like this or a complete peace between the factions with no changes at all. Gameplay limitations mean having multiple, independent factions is pretty damn hard… as fun as that would be.

only if the zandalari drop bwonsamdi

Trolls should definitely split from the Horde. They could start out with amiable reactions, perhaps even a pact, due to their past friendship. But they should still be governed apart.

Just want a united elven empire tbh (voidies excluded)


tfw u will have to drop some holy sticky loads on disgusting voidies to convert them into a true supreme elf being


daddy-lord aerilen slides into ur dms


I volunteer to help purify the void elves. Only the male ones though.