"Lines will be redrawn"

Hot take: void elves, night elves and Nightborne should be stuffed together because of their love for shadowy stuff. Let them revel in their kingdom of eternal night. Belves can join the LF Draenei’s cool kids club, provided they have proper golden eyes to prove they have truly become fellow lightbulbs.

Don’t purify me please, it’d probably hurt. :frowning:

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I don’t expect much good division to be honest… More i expect things that may ruin the story and factions… oof

Make all blood elves into void elves. Turn Quel’thalas into a void paradise.

The one thing it seems we could both agree on.

But srsly speaking I’d either abolish factions as a mechanic altogether or just go full Warhammer Order V Chaos with every race being a candidate for either side. BfA has already demonstrated that’s more or less how the writers see the factions. Might as well fix the issue with ‘good’ races being stuck on Horde, and give Alliance players a chance to be objectively evil.

Player choice would definitely be an interesting one

There is a theory that factions could be reworked to be Light V Void. But 9/10 races literally don’t care either way, so it’d be a bit weird unless they went to great lengths to explain it.

I somehow doubt it would be light v void as it’s a rather a or b and nothing inbetween. Even though order and chaos would be a direct rip from Warhammer it makes more sense as you could apply those rules more liberally to other types of magic.

The darkspear say bye aswell then. He is their Patron Loa afterall.

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Nightborne-Silvermoon union, when? Rebirth of the highborne empire tbqh.

Small brain: Azeroth vs. Greater Threat
Big brain: Horde vs. Alliance
Galaxy brain: Alliance/Void/Horde/Light battle royale.


Honestly it’s basically a thing already. What with Thalyssra looking at Lorthemar for how he acts during Baines arrest.

As much as a shakeup like this would be fascinating to play out, I wonder how feasible it is from the Game Developers point of view. We have a lot of functions tied to specific factions in the code etc, rewriting it seems like an utter logistical nightmare with more room to screw up than any previous expansion.

Where’s this stated? I knew they worshipped him, among other Loa. They’d have to drop the death schtick, too.

The death schtick?

He is the caretaker of the dead, helped the Darkspear reclaim the Echo isles in turn for worship.

The Darkspear and Bwonsamdi made in essence the same deal as Rastakahn did. They are connected to him with a deal.

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Vol’jin struck a bargain with Bwonsamdi during the ((i think it was pre-cata)) event where Bwonmon helps the Darkspear take the Echo Isles back from Zalazane once and for all, in return for raising Bwonsamdi as their primary loa.

Edit: Bwimtoru beat me to it but im leaving this here to show I too am a smartypants :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


I imagine the only way it was possible from a technical pov if it only applied from a certain point onwards, not char creation. This would allow blizzard to just do new phase for everyone in the new state and thus flipping new the nation’s aswell.

Maybe they’ll just launch WoW2 and be done with it.

Raising loads of corpses, as Bwonsamdi was seen doing very recently. It would be a truly brainlet move for a faction returning to spiritual roots (likely because having the dead in charge shattered their Horde) to weirdly allow it again. The Darkspear worship of him seems a lot more tame though, so that could possibly be allowed.

aight u good

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He raised a whole bunch of ghouls to help retake the echo isles, fyi.

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